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» Graphic Apps
Natural Born Chatter
Popular text chat solution that was designed specifically for small and medium local area networks. It doesn't require an Internet connection or a dedicated server, because it utilizes your network, enabling your staff to communicate effectively
Audio Editor Pro
Audio Editor Pro is a visual multifunctional audio files editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, applying more than 20 sound effects and 6 filters.
InboxRULES RW Bundle Client Edition
InboxRULES can help you to save and print messages, extract data from messages immediatelly when message arrives to MS Outlook account or MS Exchange Server mailbox. InboxRULES RW is a custom action for MS Outlook Rules Wizard.
BPS MP3-WAV Converter
MP3-WAV Decoder makes burning custom music CDs a snap. Eliminate corrupt MP3s, decode them quickly so you can easily burn your own CD's with any Audio CD-R Burning Software. Feature Unlimited Batch-process, convert winamp playlists, normalization.
Aye Parental Control
Aye Parental Control helps parents restrict the time that children spend on computer and Internet. It also has the ability to block access to specified programs and websites.
Miraplacid Text Driver
Miraplacid Text Driver extracts text from documents. Text Output can be formatted as plain text or text with layout, previewed and saved to file in Unicode or specified code page. When auto-save mode is on, the software works with no user interaction
3D Kit Builder (Motorbike)
Build a complex 3D Model of a Motorbike. All ages will have fun learning the basics of 3D modelling with this interactive 3D graphics program.
Glucose Journal and Database
Helps user keep an organized journal of important blood glucose test results. Powerful sorting capabilities let users view their glucose test results in many different ways. All records are kept perfectly ordered by date and time. Data entry is easy.
FileMove SE
Job based file/folder handling and surveillance for backup, copy, move, delete and synchronize your data. Networkable and multillingual.