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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Erotic Caribbean Poker

The spirit of the game Erotic Caribbean Poker is its theme. Just imagine the situation in that a sly Joker is peeping at a young girl. You can peep at her too if open Erotic Caribbean Poker!

MidiNotate Musician

Find music on the internet and convert it to sheet music. Sing or play along while following the notes on the screen. You control the tempo and the volume of each instrument, while MidiNotate Musician turns the pages and repeats practice loops.

Casino On Net

Casino On Net - The Worlds Largest Casino. Play the most popular Casino games--slot machines, blackjack, roulette, poker and much more free of charge. Play at a private table or at a Public/Group table with others. Join and get Up To $200 FREE.

Astatix Launcher

Astatix Launcher is a program designed for a quick start of applications and documents in a single click. One of additional features is the Winamp control. You can use any hotkeys and control of Winamp anytime even you are playing full-screen games.

ES Power Keeper

Power Keeper is a simple, intuitive and useful tool for turning information into knowledge.

CardFile PS Net

Keep your professional and personal data centralized and easy to retrieve with Pindersoft's CardFile PS Net. From CD keys to business contacts to registration numbers and much more, CardFile PS Net keeps your most important data from going missing.


Amibook is the organizer for the rest of us, the Pim you've been looking for. You can easily manage your time and contacts with it's one-screen access to your address book, appointment book, and task list. Manage your time. Don't let it manage you.

DPSM - Tropical Fish ScreenSaver

Fish Slideshow Screensaver is as beautiful as the living fish.It's colorful and bright.Watching it bungs joy and peaceful relaxation to mind.Besides you don't need any special place to keep them.They are at the same place any time, on your screen!


DOLeye is a Universal Multimedia Application (Home/Office Security System plus TV/Radio Tuner). DOLeye works with Digital Video/Photo Cameras, Web Cameras, CCTV Cameras, TV Tuner cards, Video Recorders.


AllWallpapers will contain all of your favorite images and whenever you need a favorite display, you will have it in a second. You don't have to worry about changing formats or which format the image is in.

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Надо, чтобы вы руководили принципами, а не принципы вами.
М. Жванецкий


-- Можете верить, можете не верить,--уверяет женщина не-
определенного возраста,-- но меня охватывает неописуемый ужас
при мысли о пятидесятилетнем юбилее.
-- А что с вами тогда приключилось?
-- Фи!.. Я этой даты никогда отмечать не буду! Я ее настолько
ненавижу, что даже и не вспомнила о ней в позапрошлом году!


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