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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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PhotoCleaner Basic

PhotoCleaner is a one-click tool for enhancing digital photos: cropping, red eye, correcting levels, colors, contrast; sharpening, adding frame and caption. The settings can be adjusted to your preference. PRO version also includes batch processing.

HDD Thermometer

HDD Thermometer is a small and feature-rich temperature monitoring tool for your hard disks. It has all the features needed to prevent overheating and possible data loss. (It can: play sound, hibernate PC, display HDD indicators and so on..)

Advanced LAN Scanner

Advanced Port Scanner is a small, fast, easy-to-use and robust LAN scanner for the Win32 platform. It is multithreaded, so on fast machines you can scan many computers at once.

AirPower PocketPC

Photos, description, history, performance data and specifications on many famous U.S. Air Force fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, service aircraft such as transports and AWACS.

G-Lock Email Processor

G-Lock Email Processor is designed to process/parse bounced/undeliverable and subscribe/unsubscribe emails as well as extract information from your email messages and create user defined text documents, that can be imported by other program

Mail Access Monitor for Merak Mail Server

Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that analyses mail server logs and shows how much traffic is being used by e-mail, who sends and receives most messages, where the messages are being send to and if e-mail abuse takes place in your office.

AB Commander XP

A powerful yet simple to use dual-panel file manager with built-in file splitter, folder synchronizer, image viewer, full-featured text editor and more. Evaluation version is fully functional. http://winability.com/

Ada Bulk Mailer

A powerful and easy for use tool for mass mailing. Multi Threaded architecture. Internal SMTP server. Two optional delivery ways: DNS delivery (direct delivery) and SMTP delivery. Ada Bulk Mailer sends email to your recipients quickly and easily.


Icon Changer is a software application that makes changing icons on the desktop fun and easy. Change icons to make navigation easier, to group similar applications together or merely to customize and spice up your desktop! Try Icon Changer for free n

FontShow 2000

FontShow is a small program useful for viewing and printing the TrueType fonts installed on your system. Options are included to display user-specified sample text in place of the normal font name and alphanumeric character set.

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Выркалось. Хливкие шорьки Пырялись по наве И хрюкотали зелюки, Как мюмзики в мове.
Л. Кэрролл


Идет пьяный по кладбищу. Спотыкается в темноте, нако-
нец заваливается в какую-то яму и засыпает. Через некоторое вре-
мя по той же дороге проходи г мимо другой пьяный -- слышит, кто-
то шевелится.
-- Что, замерз, бедняга?
-- Да вот, холодно.
-- А зачем тогда откапывался?


Если одной ногой мы стоим в прошлом, а другой - в будущем, то настоящее находится у нас где-то между ног… (Александр Михеев)

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