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» Graphic Apps
Jade Property Suite
A full-featured Windows application for storing and managing your real estate listings. Enter data once and Jade uses it in flyers, Web pages, mailings to prospective buyers, copy for newspapers, invoices, letters, reports and presentations.
Active Tray
Active Tray will supercharge your system tray, providing you with additional features and greater flexibility, making you much more productive. Imagine being able to add programs, documents, links and many other timesavers to your system tray!
AceReader Pro Deluxe Network
Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12 plus adult). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader.
Dino Lake 3D
Welcome to the fantastic world of Dino Lake 3D. Enjoy real 3D scenes and professionally animated characters in this puzzle arcade game. Lead Dino through the maze and collect diamonds. Beware! At various levels, there are dangerous monsters.
Active SMART
Active SMART utilizes the S.M.A.R.T. technology to track the status of the computer hard disks. Its main goal is timely detecting and anticipating any problems, occurring with the disk, before the danger of the data loss appears.
BenchemAll! is a tool to automate 3D performance benchmarking using most popular 3D games and 3D synthetic benchmarks. With Bench'emAll! you don't have to remember all the steps and commands to lauch each 3D benchmark.
Enigmacross is a professional acrostic puzzle development application. Use it to construct real acrostics just like the kind which appear in newspapers and magazines. With Enigmacross's many features, routine tasks and errors are eliminated.
BOUNCIN' is a challenging game of skill that combines elements of Breakout, Pinball and Air Hockey.
Express TimeSync
You can use Express TimeSync to synchronize computer clocks across the network to the correct time. Express TimeSync can use Internet time servers or your local time server as a reference source.
EugeneShutdown is a system utility for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP operating systems that allows to automatically shutdown, power off, reboot or log off current user at a specific time on your local computer and initiate shutdown of remote computer.
Нет ничего настолько исправного, чтобы в нем не было ошибок. Ф. Петрарка
Жена принесла домой ливерную колбасу. -- Зачем ты ее купила? -- спрашивает муж,-- Этой колбасой теперь кормят только домашних животных, а у нас ни кошки, ни собаки, вроде, нет. -- Знаешь что, дорогой, не гавкай!..
Я хоть и жадничаю - зато от чистого сердца