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Powerful duplicate file analyzer can help clean up e.g. MP3s, image files. Get rid of that space wasted from program crashes and normal use. 100% safe with recovery. Get reports, find changes to folders, cover tracks after surfing with more features.
ABF Value Converter
ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion. This software easily converts various measurement values into any other possible ones. Inches to centimetres, pounds to kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius, and so on.
Fretless Space Explorer
Space Explorer quickly shows each folder size. Unlike similar utilities, it quickly analyzes all folders simultaneously. No more waiting to find what you're looking for while it scans your entire drive or folders you don't care about.
GYZ Personal Database
GYZ Personal Database is a personal information manager specialized in storing information with custom-defined templates. Users can define their own form templates for each category of information, using the easy-to-understand drag-and-drop method.
.Net Component suite including all Aspose components such as Aspose.Excel, Aspose.Word, Aspose.PowerPoint, Aspose.Project, Aspose.Pdf, Aspose.Chart, Aspose.Spell, Aspose.Recurrence.
ExchangeServerRecovery is a data recovery program for Microsoft Exchange Server. ExchangeServerRecovery recovers damaged .EDB files and makes the user able to get the lost data back.
Japanese Craps
The object of Japanese Craps is to predict the outcome of a roll of the dice, but it is as difficult as to predict somebody's fate. Try, throw the dice and commit yourself to Fortune's care! Till the dices is rolling listen to music and relax.
CoffeeCup Password Wizard
Create unlimited password protected pages with unlimited usernames and passwords with CoffeeCup Password Wizard. You don't even have to know Flash, Java, or HTML ! Customize the look and feel to match your page.
Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms
Nevron Diagram for Windows Forms is a professional .NET component designed to provide your WinForms applications with advanced diagramming and flowcharting abilities. It allows for lots of different visualization and behavior customization.
ColorCache is a color picker and palette building tool that creates palettes and color swatches. Select colors from your screen or use the built-in tools to create color schemes. Palettes can be exported as Photoshop .ACO/.ACT files or as XML.
Всеобщий источник нашего несчастья в том, что мы верим, будто вещи действительно являются тем, чем мы их считаем. Г. Лихтенберг
Насреддин заболел. Назойливые соседки целыми днями, как мухи, вертелись возле больного и не давали ему покоя своей болтовней. -- Если ты умрешь, ходжа,-- сказала самая надоедливая из них,-- как нам причитать над твоей могилой? -- Причитайте так,-- ответил ходжа: -- "Эх, Насреддин, жить бы тебе да жить, да загнала тебя в гроб женская болтовня".
Странная война - это война, в которой учавствуют страны.