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EasyWebForms allows you to support tabbed pages (Notebook) and data types in your HTML form fields just by defining attributes without additional coding
For the player of KENO (4/70, 5/70, 6/70, 7/70, 8/70, 9/70, 10/70) and BANCOJASS this program has wheeling systems . The program can print directly the ticket and has a module that shows rapidly the number of good results in each boards
Desktop Notes
Desktop Notes is a program that will allow you to post notes on your Windows desktop. These notes won't intefere with your other activities on your PC cause they stick to the desktop.
Desktop Telly
Desktop Telly allows you to watch television straight from the internet, no special hardware required. This means you install and can start watching television immediately, no tedious configuration of difficult settings, it is install and enjoy.
Devrace FIBPlus for Borland InterBase and Firebird
The simplest and most flexible suite of direct access components to InterBase and Firebird. Supports SQLDialect 3 of InterBase 6.x, array and blob fields, implements local filtering and local sorting in dataset, supports standard data-aware controls.
Dewqs' NMS for Outlook Express
Dewqs' NMS for Outlook is a spam screener for Microsoft Outlook Express. Powerful heuristic engine (statistical dictionary) can be updated via the web (registered users only). Reporting on demand.
Dewqs' No More Spam
Dewqs' NMS is a spam screener, and control tower, for several POP email accounts. Powerful heuristic engine (statistical dictionary) can be updated via the web (registered users only). Automatic unsubscribing, bouncing, and reporting, also available.
Dewqs' SpamProx
Spam Proxy : seamless interface between your email client and your mail server. Technology using Dewqs' Tribes now famous anti spam engine. Black listing, white listing. Multithreaded server.
Dial-Up Optimiser
Dial-up Optimiser is a program that changes internal settings in Windows in order to give you the full potential of your Internet connection.
Dialer Queen
Dialer with skins and plugins support. Supports several ISP's and unlimited phone numbers
to dial up to each ISP. Keeps detailed statistics for each connection and counts an amount
of money you've spent using flexible system of tariffs etc...
Крохотный факт стоит целого сонма несбыточных грез. Р. Эмерсон
Герек поздравил с избранием нового папу Иоанна-Павла второ го, выразил надежду, что он будет другом Польши, и спросил, чем Польша, со своей стороны, могла бы ему содействовать. - постройте в Польше самый большой в мире костел! - идет. Но назвать его придется собором святого Леонида. - идет. Но мощи обеспечьте сами.
Скульптурная группа: Геракл, разрывающий пасть писающему мальчику.