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» Graphic Apps
Comersus ASP Cart
Comersus is an active server pages software for running a professional store, seamlessly integrated with the rest of your web site.
Complete Excel Names
Complete Excel Names is a free COM add-in that allows you to set the width of the Name Box in Microsoft Excel.
The add-in is based on Add-in Express technology (http://www.afalinasoft.com/).
Complete Excel Names supports MS Excel 2000 and higher.
Compress SWF
Lets you compress your SWF files with all the vectors, shapes, morphing, Z-buffer, fonts, curves, zero-objects, Zlib and ActionScripts up to 80%. You can cutomize every optimization parameter to reach the optimum quality-lossless compression level.
Protector of Health
Protector of Health specially designed for people who spends much time using computer and provides computer users an opportunity to take regular short breaks for prevention or cure from aches in back and in hands, headaches and eye problems.
Microcafe Concept
Restaurant Management Software with Reservation, Booking, Customer and Table Management for your restaurant from Microcafe Software.
ConfigInspector displays the most important information about you system. The application possesses the same features as Windows XP task manager and much more!
ConfigInspector works under Windows 2000/XP/2003 only.
Context Magic
Context Magic is a Windows Explorer context menu extension that greatly extends functionality of the standard Send To menu and allows to manage files and folders with a few mouse clicks.
Crabby Clams Screengamer
A screengamer is a screensaver and game combined in one. Take control of a mighty crab and use the clams' pearls against them to knock out all the coral blocks in this breakout style screen saver and game that takes place right on your desktop!
Craig's Die Roller
A free dice-rolling program for role-playing games. It will roll up to ten dice, and supports d2, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20.
Когда нам платят за благородный поступок, его у нас отнимают. Н. Шамфор
Хрущеву после его смещения предложили возглавит онкологический центр. - я же в этом ничего не понимаю, - сказал он. - но вы же руководили сельским хозяйством - и хлеба не стало!
Я наеб@улся посмотрев, не наеб@улась ли она, вдруг посмотрев, не наеб@улся ли я