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Surfinity Search
Surfinity Search - high performance, feature rich search engine software at a low price. It works with most server and desktop databases and is ideal for publishing large amounts of data on the Internet or CD-ROM.
WordRecovery fixes corrupted Microsoft Word document files. Supports all modern file versions, including Word XP, Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95 and Word 6.0 documents. Recovers text. Restores formatting. Recovers password-protected files.
StarForce ProActive SN100
Licensing and protection solution including 100 release licenses to protect a software product. The licenses are customized according to your company's licensing and and distribution policy. Various activation and delivery methods for your product.
SQLBoss Developer (Windows)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS X)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS Classic)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management System for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D. Planned drivers: Microsoft SQL Server, mSQL Primebase
SQL Diagrams
A graphical overview of your database solution. Don't spend hours trying to understand your database, see it with SQL Diagrams. Graphically understand, how your tables, views, SPs, UDFs, triggers and other database objects interact, and more.
WinFlash Scholar
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! Create reusable decks, print flashcards, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Powerful multimedia capabilities. Easy to learn and use.
Professional approach to protecting, research and reverse engineering .Net assemblies
В мире и без того недостаточно любви и благости, чтобы их еще можно было расточать воображаемым существам. Ф. Ницше
Спросили одного: -- Как это ты умудрился за короткое время из ничего иметь что-то? -- Твоя жена, готовя, к "примеру, плов по-египетски, запа- сается ветчиной, куриной печенкой. Так? А можно обойтись и без этого. Дальше. Сколько она риса бросает в котел? -- Ну... Сколько нужно! -- Вот.А моя каждый раз откладывает от порции полстакана для следующего раза. Отсюда и экономия.
Молодые люди столь же склонны считать себя мудрыми, сколь пьяные - резвыми