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Regular Expressions for MS SQL server
The Regular Expressions for MS SQL Server offer an extremely powerful way to search, replace, format and extract text data inside a string using sophisticated search criteria, far above the capabilities of the MSSQL's PATINDEX and REPLACE functions.
RentMaster is a rental management software designed for small to medium size businesses involved in party rental/event planning business. The key objective of RentMaster is to help you to improve efficiency and increase your profit.
Report Sharp-Shooter
Report Sharp-Shooter is a royalty-free report building engine for .NET, capable of creating complex reports from multiple data sources with various report export options. The professional version comes with the source code! Try it free now!
Easy VSS integration with rollback and rollforward functionality, Syntax Highlighting, Easily manage your SQL objects, Syncronization, Keep your documentation up-to-date, Script generation to keep your servers up-to-date.
Delphi component for calculating expressions, entered in Run-Time. For Delphi4, 5, 6, 7 and higher. Delivered with sources. The expressions can contain numbers, arithmetic and logic operators and functions, defined by user (FDU).
Rt-Science Tools2D for Delphi
The selection of components to generate two dimensional cartesian plots with: unlimited number of axis (secondary axis), automatic scaling, automatic zooming, unlimited number of series, manifold line and point styles...
RSP Zip Compressor OCX
ActiveX OCX to compress , uncompress , delete , test and list zip files , can handle zip files with or without passwords , the control receive information about the execution using a xml like parser to avoid possible bugs and to make it easy to use
RSP Tar Gzip OCX
ActiveX OCX to list , test , and extract tar , tar-gzip and tar-bzip2 files , ability to pause , resume and cancel the execution , the code is optimized for new AMD and Intel processors , the decompression engine is loaded dynamically in the process
RSP OGG Vorbis Player OCX
ActiveX OCX to play OGG Vorbis media files , the decoding engine is loaded dinamically in the process , the processor time required to decode the OGG Vorbis is less than MP3 files , the decoder quality is very good or better than MP3 files
RSP OGG Vorbis Player .Net
.Net framework library to play OGG Vorbis media files , the decoding engine is loaded dinamically in the process , the processor time required to decode the OGG Vorbis is less than MP3 files, the decoder quality is very good or better than MP3 files
Человек, не будучи одеян благодетельною природою, получил свыше дар портного искусства. К. Прутков
Двое мужчин беседуют о приятеле-молодожене. -- Не понимаю, почему он женился. Ведь давал нам клятву, что не женится. -- Правильно, но его жена тоже дала клятву своим подругам... Какую? Что она выйдет за него замуж!
Не пейте воду! В ней рыбы трахаются!