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RSP MP3 Player OCX

ActiveX OCX to play MP3 , MP2 , MP1 , MPEG-2.0 and MPEG-2.5 media files

RSP MP3 Player .Net

.Net framework library to play MP3 , MP2 , MP1 , MPEG-2.0 and MPEG-2.5 media files , this controls is using a high quality decoder engine

RSP MP3 OGG Vorbis Encode OCX

RSP MP3 OGG Vorbis Encode OCX 1.4.0 is an ActiveX OCX to convert wav to MP3 and OGG Vorbis format, The encode process occurs in an out-of-process environment , so , the control can have all the control over the process running

RSP GZip Compressor OCX

ActiveX OCX to compress files in the standard gzip format , the code is optimized for new processors , the compression code execute at realtime , the compression engine is loaded dynamically and with the ability to pause , resume and cance

RSP Bzip2 Compression OCX

ActiveX OCX to compress files in the Bzip2 format , ability to pause , resume and cancel the compression execution , the compression code is loaded dinamically in the process of the software using the control

RichView (Delphi version)

Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing rich hypertext documents. Various text formatting, tables, images, textured background, HTML export, RTF import and export, data-aware versions, printing with scalable preview.

RichView (C++Builder version)

Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing rich hypertext documents. Various text formatting, tables, images, textured background, HTML export, RTF import and export, data-aware versions, printing with scalable preview.

Text2Web Pro

Text2Web Pro is a tool to convert text documents to html format. It incorporates integrated clipboard support which provides an almost seamless operation for web authors who want to include snippets of text into their web pages

Profit Contribution Breakdown Excel

Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance.

Visual Code Scan 6

Scan Visual Basic 6 projects for dead code, unused and undeclared variables, and functions with no return type. This program will also extract all of the strings and allow you to run a spell checker on them to check for misspelled words.

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То делается нашим, что выстрадано, выработано; что даром свалилось, тому мы цены не знаем.
А.И. Герцен


- вы знаете, что Хрущев запустил не только спутник, но
сельское хозяйство? - говорит один своему случайному знакомому.
- а вы знаете, что сажают не только кукурузу? - отвечает
тот и предъявляет свое гебешное удостоверение.


Баба с возу - вылетит - не поймаешь.

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