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» Science
Earth Explorer
Earth Explorer integrates high resolution satellite imagery and several kinds of map information together to provide a total 3D view of our beautiful planet earth.
Mars 3D Space Tour
Mars is a single planet, possible to colonize in nearest future... World of greatest hurricanes, endless red deserts, highest mountains and frozen water resources. Screensaver features true photo-realistic 3D-animated space scenes from Martian orbit.
Looking Glass
Looking Glass is an interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand the effects of optical components on light rays. While creating and exploring their own lenses and mirrors, students encounter the core concepts in optics.
Moon 3D Space Tour
Pretend you're an astronaut and circle the moon from the comfort of your own desk with this screensaver. Watch as the moon appears before you, complete with real craters and mountains. OpenGL 3D rendering engine provides true photo-realistic quality.
CellFighter ScreenSaver
This screen saver is based on an amusing extension of the Game of Life: fidgety swarms of tiny critters wage a war for the screen space. You can change colors and forms of the critters, choose a speed, an intensity and a scenario of their battle.
Orbit Xplorer
Educational orbit and gravitation simulator for high school, college and beginning university physics and astronomy. Easily create, run, print and save a simulation. Includes 29 premade simulations with activities page in html-format.
CHEMIX School - Software for Chemistry It is equipped with a periodic table, molecular 3-D viewer, curve fit, spectroscopy, conversion table, dictionary and many advanced calculators. Chemistry lessons and problems are included.
DigitizeIt can automatically digitize (x,y)-data from scanned graphs. Data values are transformed to a specified axes system and can be saved in ASCII format, ready to use in other applications. Can read most image formats (gif, png, tiff,bmp).
An innovative earth simulation that combines an easy to navigate 3 dimensional globe with real-time weather, live earthquakes, webcams, volcanoes and current cloud formations. Great educational tool, a must have for avid weather watchers!
Exploring Space Screensaver
The Free Exploring Space Screensaver displays 77 awesome outer space themed images! This screen saver is stellar! The free exploring space screensaver also features three beautiful, CD-quality musical compositions and wallpaper support.
Ведь истинно то, что умение сохраняет имение, а имение не дает умения. Хуан Мануэль
После Московского кинофестиваля Бриджит Бардо говорит Бреж неву на банкете в Кремле: - почему бы вам не открыть границу для всех желающих? Бреж- нев грозит ей пальцем: - хочешь со мной наедине остаться, крошка?!
Принцип оптимиста - завтра будет лучше, чем послезавтра...