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A program to allow the very fast modeling of fluid flow, and the visualization of the streamlines and pressure distribution. Rectangular and circular sections can be entered as well as aerofoils. A flowrate and pressure gauge is provided.
Data extraction from a graphical image where the data used to produce that image is unavailable. Provides tools overlaying the image to extract graph values, distances, areas, angles, or color values. Values can be saved to XLS or TXT files.
Sound Generator
The audio frequency sinusoidal signal generator is intended for adjusting and measuring parameters of audio equipment.
Conversions of units and currencies are done efficiently by using a single input-field. You type like you think, entering a number and the beginning of a unit, name or symbol. The assistant will automatically display the possible units.
Unit Converter Pro
Unit Converter Pro can convert 1400 different units in 76 categories. It contains the most important conversion factors for lenght, mass, area, ... . It offers fully customizable databases.
The version 2 allows you to create conversion tables.
Space Trip 3D Screensaver
Turn your screen into a teleport gateway to another world. The outstanding graphics and the enchanting space scenery with fascinating special effects and music make it very difficult to believe you are not actually there.
topics in science V3
Topics in Science Volume 3 uses graphics and animations to visualize and to provide insights into the following topics: Protein formation Cell membrane diffusion Immune system Chromosome, Hemoglobin, Sperm, Nerve Cell, Microvilli.
topics in science V1
Topics in Science Volume 1 uses graphics and animations to visualize and provide insights into the following topics:
• Ionic bond formation and ionic crystal formation
• Acceleration
• DNA duplication
• Cell organelles
Test Tone Generator
The Test Tone Generator (TTG) turns the PC into a function generator for testing or demonstration, sound tuning, education, for sound effects and many other purposes.
Sheet Lightning Demo
Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.
Чем наполнена посуда, то и выльется оттуда. Ш. Руставели
Приходит муж домой -- пьяный да еще и босый. Жена к нему: -- Да где же это тебя носило, ирод, что даже новые туфли потерял? Или пропил? -- Много ты понимаешь! Просто случайно попал в лужу и потерял там один туфель... Искал, искал -- не видать под водой... -- Ну, а второй куда подевал? -- Да, думаю, высохнет лужа, найдет кто-нибудь один туфель... Что он с ним делать будет? Так я взял да и второй туда же бросил.
Тело входя в тело теряет гибкость и выделяет жидкость. (Негласный закон Ньютона)