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Sensitivity Analysis add-in forMicrosoft Excel 97, 98, 2000, and 2001 for Windows. The tool allows to perform a correct sensitivity analysis and thin adjustment of models parameters. Analysis results are illustrated in chart and table forms.
The cell program consist of 3D graphics of cell organelles and 3D animation of cellular processes. Review module provides review questions and links the user to the correct answers. Several SEM images are included.
Click Clock
Animated weather radar & satellite, local temperature in tray, local weather, internet time sync, sun/moon rise, map, animated moon phase, planets, eclipse, equinox/solstice, meteors, dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, full year calendar, 27 holidays
DreamCalc Pro Scientific Calculator
DreamCalc Pro is the professional scientific and financial calculator for Windows. It is easy to use and provides a natural interface with a tactile feel, allowing you to dispense with your desk calculator.
FindGraph is comprehensive, feature-rich graph editor, as well as a curve fitting and digitizing tool for engineers, scientists and graduate students. Convert plots back to X,Y data from any published report for later processing and manipulations.
OilProp is designed to assess the core thermalphysic properties of oil and its derivatives necessary to solve transportation and processing tasks, with the minimum volume of input data.
Free DreamCalc
DreamCalc is the de-facto standard FREE photo realistic scientific calculator for Windows. It is the only choice which allows you to throw away your desk calculator. Fully featured and naturally convenient to use. Screenshot a Must See!
Gravitorium Pro
The prime purpose of Gravitorium is to let you play with ideas about gravity and gravitational systems. Create an entirely new solar system from scratch!
Home Audiometer
The Home Audiometer Hearing Test Windows software turns your PC into an audiometer, a machine you can use to test your hearing through a standard sound card and headphones.
Смотри на дело, как на трудное, и оно в итоге не будет трудным. Лао-Цзы
Рабинович идет по улице и ругается - Вот бандиты, вот мерзавцы, вот сволочи!.. К нему подхо- дят люди в штатском и требуют пояснить, кого он имеет в виду. - как это "кого"? - удивляется Рабинович, - конечно, аме- риканских империалистов! Люди в штатском разочарованно отпуска- ют его и удаляются. Рабинович догоняет их: - Простите, а вы на кого подумали?
Любовь - это вам не просто так... ею надо заниматься!