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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Ease Jukebox

A powerful, multifunction multimedia software, which supports WAV, MP3, OGG and WMA file. Ease Jukebox has 9 main functions: file manager, playlist, CD ripper, audio/data CD writer, recorder, audio converter, audio normalizer, file cut, file combine.


Modeling software to simulate the chemical kinetics and equilibrium of combustion, nuclear, catalyst reactor (CSTR) and enzyme reactions. Software can also fit/regress any entered parameters against chemical data and perform sensitivit


Multi-function calculator and unit conversion utility. Four modes of operation (statistics, trigonometry, base-n, and unit conversion). Many functions, formula entry mode. Up to 26 separate memory registers. Even includes periodic table of elements.


Advanced Sci/Eng calculator. Expression evaluation, 18 digits precision, variables, >100 functions, graphs, unit conversion, interpolation, polynomial regression, linear algebra, systems of linear, nonlinear and differential equations, optimization.


Configurable 2D simulator of mobile robots. Features a graphical interface where robots and objects are easily configured and a BASIC editor for simulation development.

Newton's Aquarium

Newton's Aquarium is an interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. While creating and exploring their own solar systems, students encounter the core concepts in classical physics.


Scientific engineering statistical and financial calculator, with conversions, constants and physical property data, a built-in periodic table of the elements, stopwatch, number base conversions, vectors, matrices and complex numbers.

Five Cellular Automata

Ssoftware for exploring five cellular automata: q-state Life, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation

Awesome Gems and Minerals Screen Saver

A screen saver with beautiful photos of gems and minerals. All photos are 800x600 high-quality images (a 1024x768 version is available). This Lite version (5 photos) is free, a Gold version has 42 photos and may be purchased at Awesome-Screens.com

Making Waves

Making Waves is an interactive physics package that helps students visualize and understand the motion and interference of transverse and longitudinal waves.

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Наслаждение бренно - честь бессмертна.


Людоеды-дикари в далеких джунглях поймали европейца-
путешественника. Поставили котел на огонь и собираются его сва-
рить. Вождь племени говорит:
-- Если ты меня чем-нибудь удивишь, мы тебя пощадим.
Путешественник достает из кармана зажигалку, нажимает
рычажок, появляется пламя.
-- Вот здорово! -- восхищен вождь.-- Ты меня действительно
удивил. Первый раз вижу, чтобы зажигалка загоралась с первого раза.


Но вагина, но реда кагорта (лат. Ни в пи#ду ни в красную армию)

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