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» Graphic Apps
Easy Photo Grabber
Video surveillance security solution for Windows. Grab video images from your webcam or TV-capture card and create a photo archive on disk. Keep a watchful eye on your office, house, or shop - truly, any place you want to monitor.
Google has created a fantastic set of tools to allow you to
translate any web page from one language to another. However,
for most, it is a bit difficult to integrate into your existing site.
PAGE TRANSLATOR does all the work for you!
All-In-One Spy
All-In-One SPY is the program that allows monitoring and recording all actions that are performed with a computer. The program runs in the stealth mode and is completely invisible on the computer.
Send cool PasteCards to your friends using any image you find on the web, or use this Internet Explorer toolbar and background downloader to easily grab pictures, movies and files directly from any Web page you see in your browser.
Mach5 PopMonger Free
Process your inbound email for confirmed opt-in list management, using simple yet powerful rules and tasks for sending auto replies, redirect messages. Automatically delete matched emails from your inbox, redirect the rest for you to read. Freeware.
NotesImp is handy and low resource consuming organizer with tree like hierarchical structure of notes and ability to protect your data using encryption algorithm.
Golden Keywords
Careful keyword research is an essential step in web site optimization. Golden Keywords will help you find best keywords for your web site fast and accurately. Get YOUR 100 Golden Keywords absolutely for free (available within first 10 days only).
Pacmania Gold
What's PacMan doing in the Wild Wild West? He is searching for the lost treasures, fighting bandits and escaping from Indian ghosts that hunt him. You might have played many PacMan remakes, but none like this one.
dtNotes is a small handy application that lets computer users place electronic sticky notes onto their computer monitors. dtNotes comes with a task scheduler, reminder and alarm options. The software is 100% FREE to download and try!
Easy Web Leech
This easy to use program scans and downloads content from multipe web pages. You can specify any file extension(s) that you want to search for.