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» Graphic Apps
Acoustica Audio Converter Pro
Convert MP3, OGG, WMA, WAV and rip CDs with a single right click of the mouse! A professional high quality 32 bit audio engine with built in anti aliiasing ensures the highest quality conversions. Easy to use and gets the job done!
Contract Master
Contract Master offers 3200+ contract templates and samples which can protect your own interest best. It contains all the business and living contracts you could think of.
Earth 3D Space Tour
This screensaver will impress you by photo-realism of 3D animated space scenes. Fly around our planet, amaze yourself by beauty of cosmic sunrises and sunsets. Each frame of this endless arbitrary animation looks almost like best NASA photos!
Keylogger Hunter
Utility for blocking the activity of keyboard monitoring programs presumably running on your PC.
Luxena Informix Data Access Components
allows you create Informix access applications in common BDE fashion. IDAC ensures reliability as well as usability. It is excellent for BDE migration and for rapid client-server and/or n-tier development. IDAC is very good BDE and ADO alternative
#1 Photo Slide Show Creator
#1 photo slide show creator(Photo2VCD) is a powerful but easy to use utility that allows you to archive your favorite digital photos into DVD/VCD compatible MPEG files with background music and up to 127 transition effects.
EF Catalog
Powerful program that help you to catalog all your drives (CD-ROMs,...). Browse and handle like folders the currant archive files. Extract automatically descriptions from files like MP3, executables or FILE_ID.DIZ.
ABC Amber Agent Converter
An advanced tool which helps you backup and archive your important emails organized in one file, converting emails from Forte Agent (very popular newsreader) to any format you wish (CHM, PDF, HTML, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, EML, DBF, XML, CSV, XLS, etc.)
HSLAB Force Down
The program is intended for fast and guaranteed execution of
Windows Shutdown if there is a plenty of open applications.
PacShooter 3D
Remember when you used to play the old classic Pacman game how you wished you could shoot at the enemies? Well, in this brand new 3D remake you can!
Камергер редко наслаждается природою. К. Прутков
Муж спрашивает жену: -- Сколько булочек ты можешь съесть на пустой желудок? -- Четыре! -- А вот и неправда, потому что когда ты съешь первую бу- лочку, твой желудок перестанет быть пустым! -- Отличная шутка! -- воскликнула жена и помчалась к подруге. -- Сколько булочек ты можешь съесть на пустой желудок? -- На пустой? Ой, не меньше пяти! -- Жаль. Если бы ты ответила "четыре" услышала бы ос- троумную шутку...
Жизнь - вредная штука, от неё умирают!