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» Graphic Apps
Nokia Snake
Check out this version of the snake game commonly found on Nokia phones.
MFader ActiveX control
Add multimedia capabilities to your Visual Basic application with this easy to use yet powerful ActiveX control. This OCX control has more than 115 dazzling and splendid effects to make your multimedia application looks professional.
BeFaster Lite
BeFaster Lite is a multi-featured multi-language optimization tool. It supports AOL, PcAnyWhere, IE, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. Stay connected for hours! Awake your modem up easily...
Lead Guitar Licks, Riffs, and Chops
A Small Sample of Lead Guitar Licks in Tablature Notation (the full version contains over 500 licks). All of the licks, riffs, and methods in this arsenal have been meticulously created and organized to give you the best possible learning experience
AV Voice Changer Software Diamond Edition
Disguise totally in voice chat rooms and PC2Phone conversations; morph voice and effects to customize and play MP3 music. Record from mic, internet and streaming audio and edit sound file in various formats: mp3, wma, wav, ogg, ape, au, nist...
Freeware de gestion de tournoi de Tennis pour les clubs et les juge-arbitres franзais. Construction automatique des tableaux. Plannification des matchs. Personnalisation complиte. Editions des tableaux et des йtats de rйsultats.
LogOnMyPC is the next level Web-based service that allows you to remote control your office PC or network from any Internet-connected computer include wireless PDA even if both sides behind firewall.
4Musics Multiformat Converter
Converting between most popular audio formats: WAV, MP3, WMA & OGG in any direction.
Features: converting in 1 click from Windows Explorer exactly, 16 converters in 1, fast converting speed, advanced output format settings, drag & drop, tag editor.
Address Organizer Deluxe
Complete program that will help you organize personal or business addresses, emails, phones, WEB pages. Easily View, Retrieve Information: Table Viewer, Browser Viewer, Record Viewer. Easily Process Data: Report Wizard, Label Wizard.
Advanced Time Reports: Personal Edition
Advanced Time Reports is an intuitive time tracking & project management solution that will help you increase your billable hours by better managing all your projects, clients and working hours. Used by many professionals and businesses.
Либерал может сделаться министром, но из этого еще не следует, что он будет либеральным министром. В. Гумбольдт
Хаим осматривает Музей восточного искусства. Останавли- вается перед статуей с двенадцатью руками и изумленно восклицает: -- Шесть пар рук! Боже милостивый, вот кто любил поговорить!
На красный ездит тот, у кого много "зеленых"