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» Graphic Apps
Complete Process Manager
Complete Process Manager helps you detect the invisible applications which are running in the background and identify them. Furthermore Complete Process Manager helps you detect the startup programs which start automatically.
AnyOrder Classic Standard: Mail Order Business Kit
AnyOrder is designed for small mail or phone order businesses. Simple and easy to use, it prepares invoices, does billings, generates sales reports, handles returns, tracks consigned items, tracks inventory, and creates customer mailing lists.
Defrag for Windows
Defrag for Windows is an easy-to-use complete defragmenting utility to make your Windows run faster by defragmenting the fragmented files.
Defrag for Windows is fully automatic and as user-friendly as a one-button-click.
Birthday Keeper
Never forget another birthday or anniversary again! Birthday Keeper will remind you of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
The multilingual dictionary and trainer MemoPump helps to increase one's vocabulary during learning any foreign language quickly. Using exercises built in into MemoPump you will easily memorize any foreign word.
Easy Date Converter
Does date arithmetic (adds a number of days to a date and calculates the number of days between two dates) and converts among Gregorian dates, Julian dates, Annus Novus dates, Julian day numbers and day-in-year dates of the form yyyyddd.
Bowl101 will handle all of your league needs from keeping track of the stats, to tracking their payments. We find the high games, ABC, WIBC, YABA awards for you, either on a weekly basis or search again for the entire year at the click of a button
You are trapped in the Andorian planetoid system. To escape the system you must solve a series of mind bending puzzles. Get past the laser energy fields, grab the key and make it to the exit. Grab gold along the way. Game editor included.
Alpha Journal
Alpha Journal lets anyone keep a private journal, diary or log for personal or business use, but that's not all... Entries are stored in an encrypted file with optional password protection.
Моя болезнь состоит в том, что я пишу книги, а написав, стыжусь их. Ш. Монтескьё
-- Вчера я поссорилась с мужем и сказала, что ухожу от него к своей матери,-- жалуется молодая дама знакомой. -- А он что? -- Сказал, что это лучше, чем другой вариант -- если бы моя мама приехала к нам.
Не надо валять ворон.