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» Graphic Apps
Pocket Aargon PPC
Pocket Aargon is a handheld adaptation of the PC Laser puzzle game Aargon Deluxe. In this game the player must bend, turn, or modify colored lasers to complete a series of goals and solve the puzzle. Pocket Aargon was developed by Doublebit Software.
Pocket PC DVD Wizard
Watch your DVDs on a Pocket PC or Portable Media Center.
This software will allow you to convert standard DVD content into files suitable for your Pocket PC.
You can fit over 90 minutes of content on a single 128mb memory card!
Pocket Maple Reader
Use Pocket Maple Reader to read Maple and Maple Professional files on Pocket PC handheld devices. View trees quickly. Navigate through documents.
Pocket Pyrism
Pyrism, the ultimate puzzle strategy game. The goal of Pyrism is to capture the most circles that you can. Use different strategies to get the most circles.
PocketPlanter PalmOS
PocketPlanter: over a thousand plants in your pocket! ...and on your desktop. Three plant databases available: annual and perennial flowers, and shrubs.
PocketPlanter PocketPC
PocketPlanter: over a thousand plants in your pocket! ...and on your desktop. Three plant databases available: annual and perennial flowers, and shrubs.
A powerful email program that does not compromise your privacy or security. The streamlined interface never gets in your way, with many unique features that allow you to take full control of your mailbox, like full-page preview and Bayesian filters.
Logins? Ids? Passwords? Account numbers? Forget about 'em! The SmartFormFiller remembers it all for you.Logins? Ids? Passwords? Account numbers? Forget about 'em! The SmartFormFiller remembers it all for you.
Powerful search utility to find content across hundreds of PowerPoint presentations.
Instant slide pre-viewer to see slide content
Quickly build new slide presentations from existing content
Instantly view, edit your new presentation in PowerPoint
Pointstone Internet Accelerator
Internet Accelerator improves various configuration settings that directly affect your network and Internet connection speed. You'll be transferring the maximum amount of data possible before you know it! Works with all modem and network connections.
...мы так привыкли делать то, что никому не нужно, что когда это кому-то понадобилось, оно все равно не работало. М. Жванецкий
Чапаев ездил поступать в военную академию - Василий Иваныч, все сдал? - нет, не все, Петька. Кровь сдал, мочу сдал, а математику не смог.
И, вновь забыв, что главное - здоровье...