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Sateira CD&DVD Burner
Sateira CD&DVD Burner is a full-featured package package for CD / DVD burning. With this program you can create and burn audio and data CD / DVD, CUE / ISO images and more...
CD to WAV, CD to MP3, CD to OGG ripper; Wav to MP3 converter. CDDB support. The best way to rip whole CD into single file and navigate the titles easily!
Screensaver Photo Studio
1st Screensaver Photo Studio is a make-your-own photo slide show screen saver for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP.You can use your own images and pictures as a screen saver. A great utility for digital camera users.
Sebran's ABC
It’s never too early for your child to become familiar with letters and numbers. Sebran’s ABC’s colorful pictures, pleasant music, and gentle games teach letters, numbers, simple math, and rudiments of reading.
Sector Tester
Sector Tester is a new & used music CD "sector" tester that checks music tracks for scratches and data integrity in seconds. If you burn your own music CD's - you need to be absolutely sure they're readable before deleting any files from your HD.
Selingua Columns
Play a Tetris-style game and learn French, German, Spanish or Swedish! Selingua Columns is similar to the Tetris-like game Columns, but uses words instead of colors.
Selingua Language Tutor
Selingua is a vocabulary training program with extensive built-in dictionaries -- more than 2000 words in each of the following languages: English (both American and British), German, Spanish, French and Swedish.
SequBeat Pro
SequBeat offers a full virtual drum kit for all of your practicing and songwriting needs. It works as a sequencer for constructing percussion quality sounds. SequBeat comes with the "Power" drum library that features 16 great samples.
SesamTV Media Center
SesamTV Media Center is an all-in-one multimedia player designed to be viewed on a TV. It can be controlled with any PC remote control. With Sesam.tv you can transform your TV into a multimedia center for your videos, your music and your pictures.
Seterra is a challenging geography program with 70 different exercises. Learn about countries, capitals, flags and cities all over the world! Examples of exercises: countries in Europe; American states; American state capitals, etc...
То, что стоит сделать, стоит сделать хорошо. Н. Пуссен
На автобусной остановке стоит дед, весь увешанный сум- ками, мешочками, на спине рюкзак, в руках чемодан. Его спрашивают: -- Что это вы, дедушка, столько поклажи набрали с собой? У сына вашего в городе все есть! Он же у вас бизнесмен. -- Да я знаю. Только это не для него. Кто знает, как меня там новая невестка встретит.
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