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Smart MP3 Renamer
Smart MP3 Renamer is designed to rename and tag mp3 albums. It retrieves the album details from the Freedb.org website or the Amazon.com Web Services and automatically renames and tags the mp3 files according to the users requests.
Smart MP3 Wave Converter
This is a easiest MP3 and WAV Decoder/Encoder!just a simple right click of the mouse you can start the conversion process. It has an easy-to-use interface with drag and drop support. There's also support Winamp,Sonique playlists.
Water Bubbles
Ultimate 3D Tetris-like puzzle game. Water Bubbles will challenge and improve your abstract thinking and logic.
Software Selections
Software selections will allow you to check our database of freeware for new applications without the need to go to our website
Solo Explorer
Solo Explorer is a wav to MIDI conversion, automatic music transcription (recognition), and score editing software for Windows. It extracts music score out of the monophonic audio records. You can display, play, edit, and save your music.
Shopping Cart for PayPal
E-commerce and shopping cart software to create on PayPal compatible
online-store. No ASP, Perl, or PHP is required.
SFX Machine RT for Windows
SFX Machine RT is a real-time version of the award-winning audio effects plug-in, now available in VST format for Windows.
SFX Machine RT includes hundreds of presets and allows automated parameter control via MIDI.
SAM Broadcaster
SAM Broadcaster - Professional Internet broadcast DJ software. The most advanced broadcast automation solution that has been developed specifically to fully meet the specialized needs of online broadcasters.
SAM Party DJ
SAM Party DJ - Professional DJ software. Dual decks, Crossfading, Beat matching, Gap killer, large media library support, drag&drop management, Album cover support and much more!
Sample Champion
Powerful real-time software tool designed for high precision acoustic measurements. Impulse Response of a room measurement, loudspeaker Frequency Response analysis. Designed for acoustical technicians, sound engineers, scientists and students.
Стань Человеком в помыслах, в делах - Потом мечтай об ангельских крылах! Саади
-- Я решила не выходить замуж, пока мне не исполнится двадцать пять лет,-- призналась младшая сестра. -- А я решила вообще не достигать этого возраста, пока не выйду замуж,-- промолвила со вздохом старшая.
Глаза его смотрели на меня таким взглядом, что от счастья можно было двинуться с ума.