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» Graphics
Icon Collector
Icon Collector searches files and directories for icons. Found icons are listed and can be copied, extracted and saved as icon or bitmap files. In addition, the Collector makes it easy to create icon libraries via drag & drop and to work on them.
The incredible shrinking vector graphics editor, only 67K bytes yet extremely powerful -- has to be seen to be believed. Popularity growing in leaps and bounds. True freeware.
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition
CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
HardCopy Pro
HardCopy Pro is the professional, easy to use screen capture tool for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP! It can capture rectangular screen areas and whole windows, it supports all major file formats and is full of options.
Bee Icons
Tired of boring icons on your PC? Get Bee Icons, the best icon manager that will return the excitement to desktop by replacing standard system icons. One click and you won't even recognize old desktop – bright colors, eye-catching icons, groovy look.
Instant Icon & Cursor
Make icon & cursors capture anything you see! Or make it from scratch. Frame your target and click. Nothing can stop Instant Icon, it even freezes animations! If you see it on your monitor, it is YOURS! Make tranparent areas, EASY!
GAX Professional
GAX is a powerful application for web designers, graphic designers and everyone else who works with graphics. It contains a colorpicker, a screen ruler, and a screen capture tool.
AWicons Pro
Creating high-detail true color alpha-blended icons becomes a hard task unless we use the right tools. AWicons allows creating, editing and managing icons and other small imagery. This is the only tool you need to create vivid icons from scratch!
Open Video Converter
It is an easy-to-use tool for video conversion, splitting and editing. It can convert many video formats such as MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV to AVI file. It changes the frame size, frame rate, video compression codec and audio compression codec.
Cresotech PhotoScreen
Build a screensaver in a few seconds without any skills. All you need to do is point your images to program and press Build button. PhotoScreen will do the rest - generate a screensaver with 150 different image transition effects using your files.
Надо, чтобы вы руководили принципами, а не принципы вами. М. Жванецкий
Поздно вечером женщина идет мимо кладбища. Увидев какого-то мужчину, она обращается к нему: -- Извините, можно я пойду с вами? Тут так страшно. -- Конечно можно. -- Очень вам признательна. Скажите, а сами вы не боитесь? -- Боялся, когда был живой...
Что вы, товарищ курсант, такой неровный квадрат нарисовали? Вы что дальтоник.