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» Graphics
FindGraph is comprehensive, feature-rich graph editor, as well as a curve fitting and digitizing tool for engineers, scientists and graduate students. Convert plots back to X,Y data from any published report for later processing and manipulations.
Icon to Any
Icon to Any allows you to convert Windows icons and cursors into BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, CUR, WBMP and RC formats. It has a wizard interface. It's simple to process multiple files at once. You can find icons and make images for use on Web pages.
A powerful ActiveX control supporting GIF animation, JPEG, TWAIN, PNG, TIFF, database storage, thumbnail generation, and many imaging processing operations. Extensive documentation and example code. Excellent on-line support.
Inzomia viewer
The Inzomia Viewer is a stand-alone desktop software which enables you to use the unique Inzomia features such as pan & zoom and fullscreen mode on your own images. Supports JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP and LWF images, without altering registered filetypes.
The "Grand-daddy" of icon software! This power-packed suite of utilities continues to offer the finest and widest array of features for authors and users alike. Showcase your software or your desktop with Microangelo!
Find, extract, edit and create Windows icons in color depths up to 32-bit True Color. Import and export ICO, BMP, JPG, PNG, ICPR images. Create and handle icon libraries. Create and store images containing several layers.
MJS - Mandrixx Java Slideshow
MJS is a fully parametrable java slideshow applet. It can work in the middle of a web page, in a pop-up window or in fullscreen, with crossfading. MJS can display .jpg and .gif files of any size and will use the available place the best way.
Icon extractor package
The Icon Extractor Package includes two programs: an icon viewer which is able to extract icons from executables or libraries and copy or save them as icon or bitmap files; an additional tool which makes it easy to distribute icon libraries.
Digital Photos Screensaver Maker
This program enables you to create a slideshow consisting of picture and audio files.The program includes 182 transitional effects to create a interesting show. The slideshow can be created as an executable (.EXE) file or screensaver (.SCR) file.
Animate Me!
Animate Me! creates GIF and AVI animations on the base of predefined effects. You can define sequence and parameters of separate effects to get peerless animations quickly and easy.
Умных людей на свете куда больше, чем талантливых. Общество кишмя кишит умниками, начисто лишенными таланта. А. Ривароль
Решили звери построить мост. Послали медведя в мини- стерство за бревнами. -- Ты, медведь, сильный -- выбьешь бревна. Но вернулся медведь ни с чем. Послали лису. -- Ты, лиса, хитрая -- выбьешь бревна. Но вернулась и лиса ни с чем. А осел говорит: -- Можно я попробую? И ушел. Через некоторое время поплыли по реке бревна. Неделю плывут, месяц... Все берега ими завалили. Вскоре приезжает осел на машине. Стали его звери спра- шивать: -- Как же тебе удалось провернуть такое трудное дело? А осел и отвечает: -- Захожу я в министерство, а там -- все свои. Только вот не знали, как вы мост хотите строить: вдоль реки или поперек?
П Р О Д А М: 2-х томник "Жемчужины народной глупости"