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SureThing CD Labeler
SureThing, the most trusted name in CD/DVD Labeling Software, lets you create beautiful color labels for all your CD's, DVD's, and jewel cases. Compatible with most brands of labels. Extensive music support, import playlists, no typing and lots MORE!
SurGe is a computer program which enables to generate a surface as an interpolation (approximation) function of two independent variables. Implements an interpolation / approximation method called ABOS.
SWF.max Flash Player
Full-featured Flash Player. It supports extraction of movies from projectors (exe's), displays current time and plays movies in original size and using proper backcolor. Also it has special thumbnail supported media browser.
SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. SWiSHmax includes 230 ready-to-use effects, drawing tools, timeline and sophisticated scripting language. You can import vector art, images animation and sounds
Switchblade was created with one goal in mind. To make it harder for people to take images from your website. SwitchBlade will protect your images by cutting them in more than one image and also add alt tags to the html code generated for the image.
Tahni deskmate,sexy supermodel
Tahni DeskMate supermodel.Animated Desktop Companions and Assistants.Cartoon character that lives on your Windows Desktop
TakeColor gets the color of any pixel. The color can be shown in one of three formats you need: HTML, RGB and HEX. Zoom of any screen area. Stay on top and color history features.
Text Pilot Library
Text Pilot library extends standard Windows API function TextOut. Library provides 3 following functions: * text output drawing based on a line * text output drawing based on a circle * text output drawing based on a curve
TGPSoft Thumbnail Gallery Builder
This program is for webmasters who want to
increase their productivity when creating TGP galleries and submitting to TGP
sites. Creates thumbnail galleries and the correct HTML
TGrab is a new type of "image grabber": it takes screenshots in both a manual mode and in a timer automated mode. You can configure TGrab to take a picture at a preferred timer interval, during a time limited session or until a quantity is reached.
Когда природа оставляет прореху в чьем-нибудь уме, она обычно замазывает ее толстым слоем самодовольства. Г. Лонгфелло
Муж с женой собираются на свадьбу. Муж, понятное дело, быстренько собрался, а жена все крутится перед зеркалом, приме- ряет наряды. И то не так, и се не так... -- Скорее собирайся, мы же опоздаем! Наконец вышли. Приходят к дому, где свадьбу играют, а там один пьянчужка спит под забором, а другой, еле держась на ногах, что-то лепечет. Увидев эту картину, муж сердито говорит жене: -- Видишь, люди уже гуляют, а мы еще только идем!
П Р О Д А М: офицерские хромовые сапоги с лыжным креплением