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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Create online photo pages quickly with Redbay's ThumbWizard, the powerful step by step interface helps inexperienced and advanced users to create online photo albums.


Create raffle tickets and event tickets, and other forms combining text, graphics and sequential numbering. Print tickets from your desktop in minutes. TicketBench uses the familiar Windows environment for easy to use, affordable ticket design.


Create raffle tickets and event tickets, and other forms combining text, graphics and sequential numbering. Print tickets from your desktop in minutes. TicketBenchPLUS uses the familiar Windows environment for easy to use, affordable ticket design.


A new most handy program that helps you to solve the problem of splitting different pictures inside one tiff file. TIFF Splitter is easy-to-use and has transparent interface.


2D-CAD Primarily for mechanical, architectural and diagramming. For professionals with complex drawings, but also approachable and easy to learn for newcomers. Comprehensive manual and online help. Emphasis on drawing efficiency. Save in DXF.

topics in science V1

Topics in Science Volume 1 uses graphics and animations to visualize and provide insights into the following topics: • Ionic bond formation and ionic crystal formation • Acceleration • DNA duplication • Cell organelles

topics in science V2

Topics in Science Volume 2 uses graphics and animations to visualize and to provide insights into the following topics: Phase equilibrium Equilibrium constant Basic thermodynamic functions

topics in science V3

Topics in Science Volume 3 uses graphics and animations to visualize and to provide insights into the following topics: Protein formation Cell membrane diffusion Immune system Chromosome, Hemoglobin, Sperm, Nerve Cell, Microvilli.


TraceART transform any raster images into a vector format.vectorizer, which can high-speed convert raster bitmap into vector image. it supports such all kinds of image format as BMP,JPG,TGA,TIF,PCX etc.


Traceline changes scanned or imported bitmap images to editable outlines (line art) that can be exported or pasted to other programs. This powerful app allows you to convert company logos, hand-drawn graphics, cartoons, etc. to editable outlines

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В каждом человеке ровно столько тщеславия, сколько ему недостает ума.
А. Поп


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к художнику:
-- Вы можете предложить мне что-нибудь модное и недоро-
гое? Желательно масло.
-- Гм... Я посоветовал бы вам в гастрономе через дорогу ку-
пить подсолнечное с каротином.


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