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Program Selector Pro 98/ME
Replaces standard Windows 95/98/ME user interface (task bar, Start button, and icons) with user-configurable password-protected list box of program names. Individual programs can also be password protected. Provides access control for your computer.
This purpose of this program is verify/compare data. A single file may be compared with another single file. An entire disk or disk structure (folder with files and nested folders) may be compared with a copy on the same or a different device
Venice Carnival 2003 wallpaper 800x600
12 great wallpaper 800x600 on Venice Carnival 2003. An index page let's you to visualize the 12 wallpapers simultaneously: left click on that of your choice to increase the image, right click on the image increased to install it as wallpaper.
VCDEasy is a VideoCD (VCD/SVCD) authoring tool that allows you to play/watch your videos (from DV camcorder, DVD, DivX...), your pictures (from digital camera, scanner,...) and your audio files (music...) directly on most home DVD players.
Using System Restore
When a Windows XP user asks how to fix a problem they've recently started having with their PC my first response is to use System Restore to roll it back to a point just before the problem started.
Universal Tracking System for Palm OS
A multipurpose tracking tool for your Palm. With UTS you can track any measurable value: money, weight, calories, time, expenses, mileage and etc. UTS automatically converts one value into another, builds charts and reports, and exports data onto PC.
Power Email Verifier
Power Email Verifier can check your email lists for valid emails. It can import large lists with no problem. Uses multithreading to verify emails at a very fast rate. Simulates the sending of email without sending any messages.
With Plagiarism-Finder, any Windows-based PC with Internet access can
be used to check files for exact phrase matching on the Web. Upon completing the scan, Plagiarism-Finder highlights suspect passages and includes links to matching Web pages.
Math Asst., Calculator, and Hypertext Notepad for Scientists and Engineers using Pocket PC 2003. Assists with calculating networks of formulae, dynamic simulations, equation solutions, multiple equations and unknowns, builtin script language.
A.M.L. - Full Edition : Advanced Media Library
The Elefun Company has released A.M.L. - Advanced Multimedia Library. This Multimedia Library is intended for games' and multimedia applications' developers. A.M.L. is an effective multimedia library, capable of playing practically all audio format.
Люди легко верят тому, чего страстно желают. Ф. Вольтер
Отец своему взрослому сыну: -- Марш Мендельсона, шампанское, крики "горько" -- все это мишура. Главное в другом. Брак -- это событие, после которого мужчина перестает покупать цветы, а начинает покупать овощи, де- лать уборку, ремонт и прочее, и прочее...
Самая нелюбимая пословица саперов: одна нога здесь, другая там..