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Becks News Ticker

An animated Formula1 race car will drive through your desktop from one side to another. You can find out news and information when you right click it and then a menu comes down.

AVS Video Converter

AVS Video Converter is an expanded realization of video converter tool with capabilities of video capturing, Video DVD, SVCD and VCD burning and timeline based video file editing.


Script your own macros and hotkeys. Any key, mouse/joystick button, or combination can become a hotkey. Automate almost anything: Send keystrokes & mouse clicks; launch programs/documents; work with the clipboard, registry, & soundcard settings.


Auto2Fit is a robust, flexible, easiest-to-use regression, curve fit, global optimization, equation solving and parameter estimation program by using Evolution Algorithms (EAs).

Auto Azan Player

Auto Azan Player as name say it all.it play AZAN(Muslims prayer call) for 5 times a day,just set the time as in your country it plays it automatically.

Angels and Fairies Screensaver

Beautiful images of angels and fairies in a slideshow set to soft music. Each unlocked image can be set as wallpaper.

Dewqs' No More Spam

Dewqs' NMS is a spam screener, and control tower, for several POP email accounts. Powerful heuristic engine (statistical dictionary) can be updated via the web (registered users only). Automatic unsubscribing, bouncing, and reporting, also available.


ConfigInspector displays the most important information about you system. The application possesses the same features as Windows XP task manager and much more! ConfigInspector works under Windows 2000/XP/2003 only.

Controlling Your Business

Controlling Your Business 4.0 is absolutely the easiest invoice or invoicing software on the market designed for home-based and/or small business management. Its simplistic modular design is perfect for the user that needs to track important info.


Slideshow generator - produces AVI/WMV/MPG files from a sequence of images and audio files. Easily create multiple files at different resolutions from the same project. Automatically adjust frame durations to suit accompanying soundtrack.

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Неправое богатство подобно кресс-салату - оно растет на каждом войлоке.
К. Прутков


Один человек только и думал, как угодить богачам и на-
чальству. Однажды он пришел к мандарину* и начал свою песенку:
-- Вчера мне приснилось, будто вы будете жить тысячу лет.
Прибежал, чтобы вас порадовать.
Мандарин заглянул в сонник и печально сказал:
-- В книге сказано: долгая жизнь -- к смерти.
Подлиза даже подпрыгнул:
-- Ой, я забыл: мне приснилось, что вы уже тысячу лет как


Я никогда не мог привести домой женщину. Сначала из-за родителей, потом из-за жены

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