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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Ulead DVD MovieFactory

Ulead® DVD MovieFactory™ 2 provides the easiest way to burn home movies onto DVD or CD. Produce professional-style DVDs to play on your home DVD player.

Turbo Memory Charger

Turbo Memory Charger is a ram booster and optimizer that optimizes your cache enabling faster computer speed. There is a speed increase of up to 150% and even more on slower systems by releasing memory. You can discover extreme pc speed with this.


Addictive, 3-deal video poker game for your PC: * Excellent graphics with unique money representation. * Sound effects and commentary. * High scores and statistics. * Double-up feature.

Torneos Ajedrez

La aplicaciуn "Torneos de Ajedrez" lleva el seguimiento de una liga de ajedrez todos-contra-todos (Round-Robin) a una sola vuelta o a doble vuelta. El nъmero mбximo de jugadores en el torneo es de 29

TOTE and Bookie Beater

The TOTE and Bookie Beater software will help you win at the horses more often.By using the software, you will be able to increase your odds of winning dramatically by being able to bet on multiple horses within the same race.

Truth About Translation

Animated text show about translation by humans & computers. Many quotations over 2,500 years, HILARIOUS translation Bloopers, humorous insights on how languages really work. Animated, also printable.

Saturn 3D Space Tour

Saturn's ring system makes the planet one of the most beautiful objects in the solar system. It was difficult to reflect it's beauty by computer simulation, but using modern 3D technologies we tried to gain maximum possible realism in this animation.


SAM is a collection of useful utilities that can help you in day to day life. SAM is easily accesibly via the system tray or using keyboard shortcuts. The modules include a Reminders manager, Notes, Tasks, Unit conversion, World time clocks and more.

Time & Chaos

Use this contact manager to organize your telephone book, appointment schedule, and to do list for better time management, all on one screen! Version 6 adds grouping, activity series, private records, external alarm utility. 21 day trial available.

RSIGuard Stretch Edition

RSIGuard is an ergonomic tool for the prevention of Repetitive Strain Injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel, deQuervain's, tendinitis etc.) including trauma modeling break timer, automatic mouse-clicking, macros & automatic long-term work pattern logging.

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Надо уметь молчать вообще обо всем, что имеет значение лишь для тебя одного.
Ф. Честерфилд


Герек поздравил с избранием нового папу Иоанна-Павла второ
го, выразил надежду, что он будет другом Польши, и спросил, чем
Польша, со своей стороны, могла бы ему содействовать.
- постройте в Польше самый большой в мире костел!
- идет. Но назвать его придется собором святого Леонида.
- идет. Но мощи обеспечьте сами.


Лучше гор могут быть только бабы, На которых еще не бывал...

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