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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



В начало » Screen Savers


Time recording and tracking the work time at the PC. Very fast project switching via Tray Icon. Many export formats (Excel, CSV, HTML), as well as profiles for the administration of several coworkers


Command-line tool for deleting files after a given number of days. Delete old tmp files, log files and orphaned directories. Can check based upon last accessed date.

Santa's Invaders Screen Saver

Free Santa Screen Saver Invaders game created with Active Media Eclipse v.4 - download a Trial copy of the software that created this Screen Saver from www.active-media-online.com

Santa's List by Drawing Hand

Watch as an artists hand draws Santa Claus working on his list of boys & girls. This is one of over 150 drawings that this screen saver can draw.

Santas Workshop Screensaver

Santas elves are busy creating toys for Christmas. This gorgeous animated screensaver shows Santas workshop with a beautiful, Old World look-and-feel. Free version is fully functional, with no registration required. More features in full version.

Tiny Cars

Tiny Cars is an amusing arcade racing game with a top-down view and colored racing tracks. The game consists of successive passing a series of championships. Speed, tension, will for winning along with childish graphics is fun for adults and kids.

Saturn 3D Space Tour

Saturn's ring system makes the planet one of the most beautiful objects in the solar system. It was difficult to reflect it's beauty by computer simulation, but using modern 3D technologies we tried to gain maximum possible realism in this animation.


ToggleMOUSE is fully compatible with any pointing device and is packed with productivity boosting features that let you get the most out of your mouse.

Scenic Drive 001

This fully-functional free demo contains 12 of the 78 pictures contained in the full version. Shot on a dreary January day in 2002, we start by heading north out of Granville Ohio on Burg Street, then East on Dry Creek Road to Newark.


ToggleVOLUME is a great utility that gives you quick and easy control over the sound volume on your computer speakers and/or headphones. Perfect for listening to MP3s and CDs!

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Основной тон жизни - это скука, впечатление чего-то серого.
Ж. и Э. Гонкуры


Бабка приехала в Москву и решила пройти на улицу Горь-
кого. Подходит к заросшему парню.
-- Молодой человек, будь любезен, объясни старухе, как
пройти на улицу Горького?
-- Я тебе, бабка, не молодой человек, а чувак; во-вторых, не
пройти, а бросить кости; в-третьих, не на улицу Горького, а на Твер-
скую-стрит; а в-четвертых, я не знаю, вон стоит мент, спроси у него.
Бабка подходит к милиционеру:
-- Мент!
-- Я тебе, бабка, не мент! -- строго посмотрел милиционер.
-- Прости -- забыла: чувак! Как кинуть кости на Твер-
Милиционер опешил:
-- Хиппуешь, клюшка?


Новая операционная система "Windows-98" будет включать, кроме 2 инсталляционных CD с Windows и MSIE, тюбик зубной пасты "Coolgates".

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