Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Job Costing

Easy Software's Job-Costing is designed for any business which costs jobs, projects or contracts and requires those costings to be updated as the price of materials, parts or labour change. Very easy to use - Three page Manual.


LSFindReplaceDialogW contains two components for Delphi 6 and 7: TLSFindDialogW displays a Find dialog, TLSReplaceDialogW a search-and-replace dialog. Both use wide strings (Unicode) and do work only with Windows NT/2000/XP and higher.


A colorfully 3D rendered maze munching (PAC MAN style) game. With 40 challenging levels to test your skills! - Nice Music & 3D Sound effects! [Contains 40 levels]


Find alternative fingerings any chord, identify unknown chords, make up and play new chords, and copy, save or print chord diagrams. Tune your guitar with the Guitar Tuner tool. Chords is free if you change your IE start page to CoolFreeSoftware.com

iNet+ Practice Tests.

Practice tests for CompTIA(r) I-Net+ conforms to the latest objectives of I-Net+ Certification. The package contains 3 tests and most questions carry detailed explanations.

MusicEase Traditional Songbook for Children and Adults

Provides transposable sheet music for over 300 traditional kids and adult song classics. Transpose, print, and play. Optionally display chord names/fret diagrams, tablature, etc.

Baby Diary

Baby Diary allows you to keep the information, photos, audios and videos of your baby's development. Baby Diary features the ability of audio recording. In addition, you can control the baby growth process by creating growth charts.

Diary 3000

Diary 3000 is a password protected diary program that gives a child a safe way to keep his/her own personal diary.


System tray utilities checks, alerts, set up reminders.Forwards e-mail and reminders to other e-mail address, pager or cellular phone.

Ardamax Keylogger Lite

Ardamax Keylogger Lite is a small, freeware keylogger that captures users activity and saves it to a logfile. The logfile can be viewed as a text or web page. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while your away.

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Разум человека сильнее его кулаков.
Ф. Рабле


Шел мужик в город. Вдруг из-под моста выбежал бандит
с пистолетом и отобрал у него деньги.
-- Послушай,-- говорит мужик бандиту.-- Ты свое дело сделал.
Но пожалей меня. Прострели мне пиджак, чтобы жена поверила, что
меня ограбили, а то подумает, что пропил. Знаешь, какие жены!
Тот прострелил.
-- Теперь еще сюда пальни разок,-- подставляет мужик ру-
кав пиджака.
-- Чего ж, можно и сюда.
-- Теперь сюда,-- подставляет мужик шапку.
-- Не могу, патроны кончились.
-- Тогда пойдем в милицию,-- и мужик схватил грабителя за


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