Ms. Parkman
This is a re-make of well-known Pac-Man game. It has a lot of improvements, such as new hi-color graphics. Also here you'll find 15 new amazing levels, where we try to keep the spirit of this immortal game.
CodedColor PhotoStudio
Powerful software to visualize / organize / edit / share / archive and print photos from your digital camera.
Share your albums through web galleries and slideshows.
Order prints online.
Opens and converts all important image files.
CacheBoost Professional Edition
CacheBoost optimizes the System Cache-Management of Windows XP/2000/NT and upcoming Windows .Net Servers. This results in an best performance boost - without any new hardware, any hardware tweak, and without restricting your system's stability.
InferenceTrade is a stock market charting, analysis, and trading system development program. It is a complete package, integrating many features, with an emphasis on writing, testing, and implementing custom program-trading systems.
AdsGone Popup Killer ad Blocker
Finally, a Solution to the Web's Most Hazardous and Disruptive Problems: Blocks popups, banners, flash ads, messenger service ads, and detects spyware that serves ads. Blocks ads in Kazaa, Morpheus, Gator, ICQ, MSN, AIM, or Trillian.
Future Value of Savings Calculator
Future Value of Savings Calculator is a user-friendly financial calculator which provides a unique perspective on saving money! It automatically displays financial answers on a spreadsheet-like grid as you enter or update investment variables.
Tired of all those messy Email messages? You know the ones; forwarded too often, too carelessly - with mangled lines that look like a drunk formatted them. JokeScrubber cleans them with just a couple clicks.
Mihov Index Maker
Mihov Index Maker is a program that creates a HTML file containing links to all the files in a given directory. If the files are in HTML format it automaticaly inserts the TITLE caption in the link. Now with support for subfolders!
NetSender Pro
»NetSender Pro« is an efficient, easy to use tool to send short messages in NT networks. By sending messages you can be sure that your co-workers see the messages immediately on their screen without the necessity to run a mail program or to look into