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Your quest will take months as you successfully wind your way through elaborate mazes, monsters and other clever devices designed to prevent you from your goal. The three E's: entertaining, enjoyable, and educational, Rich Diamond has it all.
Rich Mailer
Maintain subscribal mailing lists and broadcast personalized email messages with Rich mailer. Easy and fast subscription based email mass mailer. This mass mailer is handy for various internet professionals and on-line store owners to notify their...
Easily and quickly manage your daily personal financial affairs such as cash, savings, checking, credit cards, liabilities, creditor's rights, loans, investments, insurance, budgets and so on with 33 types of reports or charts.
RichView (C++Builder version)
Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing rich hypertext documents.
Various text formatting, tables, images, textured background, HTML export, RTF import and export, data-aware versions, printing with scalable preview.
RichView (Delphi version)
Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing rich hypertext documents.
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