BayMail Pro
BayMail Pro is a complete eBay email solution. Send email to other eBay users without their actual email addresses. Send messages to multiple users at once. Automatically retrieve user IDs from eBay. Save message templates and mailing lists.
BeyondBulimia - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.
AntiGarbage ToolKit Pro
AntiGarbage ToolKit Pro is a great tool for controlling new files and folders. It works like a file revisor. AntiGarbage ToolKit Pro is a fast program.
PDF Info
Change PDF document properties, including author, title, subject, keywords, creator, and producer information. You may even add or remove hidden information.
Onefog Desktop Shooter
Your desktop becomes your playground with DesktopShooter. Shoot your e-mail, shoot up your icons. But don’t worry, the desktop distortion is only temporary; press a key and it’s all cleaned up.
Matrix ActiveX Component
Matrix ActiveX Component provides for all basic matrix operations plus LU, Cholesky, QR and Singular Value (SVD) decompositions, Eigenvalue and Eigenvector computation for symmetric and non symmetric matrices. Version 3.1 supports complex matrices.
Digital 3D Photos
Have your own 3D photo album! Digital 3D Photos creates true 3D photos or converts your existing photos into pseudo-3D images. The 3D pictures can be viewed with red-blue glasses(available online, free) on the computer screen or on paper prints.
Combat Engineer
A Mine Sweeper style game. You uncover mine field with a an unusual task to switch off the certain mines in the corners. One of the longest time wasting I know.
Card reading software that includes 3 kinds of personalized playing cards fortune telling, 4 Tarot decks, and 35 classic and modern Tarot spreads (Business, Love, Feng Shui, Gemini, Sex, Past Life Star, etc.). You can easily edit card meanings.
Actual Startup Pro
Advanced manager of programs that are run at system's start. Allows to view, add, delete, temporary disable and monitor (using periodical checking) tasks. Displays descriptions for the programs extracted from their .exe and .dll files.