
Dynamania Screensaver
Dynamania Screensaver draws dynamic animated 3D shapes that spin and tumble around your screen.
Flash Renamer
Flash Renamer renames many files at once by applying rules such as case convert, sequential numbering & seach/replace. It's a time saver for people with large amount of files, eg digital camera users, webmasters & media collectors (mp3/images/movies)
Contact Wolf
Contact Wolf's award winning design sets a new standard in Contact Management. Keep detailed records on everyone you know - Phone numbers, addresses, internet addresses, family info, business details, personal comments and more! For home or business.
Advanced Security Administrator
Protect your computer and restrict access to Internet with Security Administrator. This nice password-protected security utility enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy and stop others from tampering with your P
Photo Pos Pro
This advanced image editor offers a variety enhancements for digital photos, image editing, computer graphics, paintings, drawings and more. It supports many popular image file types, scanners and digital cameras.
Tired of not having the right people for the job? Pick the right people for the job, increase efficiency and save money with Harmony@Work, the program which makes top team-building simple. Completely customizable for any organization.
Gitarrero Beginner
Software guitar school for beginners with videos, midis, pictures and useful interactive features; Topical Contents: chords, rhythm patterns, accompaniments, listen to or play 28 exercises/songs in different degrees of difficulty, test feature, tuner
Balloon Amortization +
This program is a version of a balloon payment schedule that demonstrates the effect of reducing initial payments and either making a large payment at the end of the balloon period or refinancing the loan. It will run under Win95,98,Me, & XP
Aligner lets you move your desktop wallpaper wherever you want to. You are no longer limited to Center or Tile. Now you can align it with the right-hand border or with the top of your system tray or wherever you want it.
IAP In-Business Announcement Player
The IAP Plays public address announcements using a computer. Features autoplay and manual announcements, automatic background music fade, date-time validity checking and day-part volume changes.
Каков же итог жизни? Ужасно мало смысла. В.В. Розанов
Зашел как-то ходжа в трактир. Сытно пообедал, не запла- тил трактирщику и вдобавок унес с собой ложку и тарелку. На другой день, когда ходжа проходил мимо, трактирщик остановил его и начал ругать. -- Ты прав, а я виноват,-- согласился ходжа.-- Вчера, по- обедав, я не уплатил тебе денег и прихватил с собой ложку и та- релку. Не думай, что я скупой, просто в моих карманах не нашлось денег. Сегодня я продал ложку с тарелкой и пришел рассчитаться с тобой за обед.
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