Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



Photo Mishmash Screensaver

Photo Mishmash Screensaver uses your own JPEG & PNG images, like photos, web graphics or clipart, and squeezes, stretches and swirls them until they are no longer recognizable. Instead you see forming before your eyes a stunning piece of abstract art

AlbumWeb Pro

AlbumWeb Pro allows you to create great-looking photo albums and interactive slideshows with just a couple of clicks. All you have to do is select the desired images and presentation style! View and share your photos instantly! Download it now!


Alchera is a feature rich journaling package that also helps to get the most of your dreams. It comes with a symbol dictionary, and questions that will help to find the personal significance of symbols. An introduction to dreaming is included.


PopUp Killer is a small program which can be configured to automatically close previously selected Windows... cool uh? Well... this is basically the idea of the program, but since the first public version, No Popup has evolved from a purely manua

AntiFirewall Anonymizer

Connect to Newsgroups, FTP, IRC, ICQ and Email (POP/IMAP) even if you are behind a firewall blocking access to these programs/protocols. Anonymize your connections to Newsgroups, FTP, IRC, ICQ and Email (POP/IMAP). Your IP address is hidden.

LongLifeCA Chrono-Acupuncture Calendar

Chrono-acupuncture is an ancient Chinese acupuncture system by which the Five Shu Points and the Source Points are selected according to different dates and times.

Convert It

Convert it is a program converting various types of measurement units(supports more than 200 unit types).The program has seven main categories of units each containing lots of unit types in them.Length-Weight-Count-Area-Vol-Time-Density-Power

LLLib Licensing Library

LLLIB is a library for protecting and controlling the use of your software. Increase registrations by limiting your software to encourage people to register! No longer do you need to worry about software being used for longer than it should!

CyberMatrix In Out Scheduler

CyberMatrix In Out Scheduler is a multi-user attendance tracking application that visually indicates which employees are out of the office and at what time and date they will return.

4TOPS Data Analysis for MS Access XP/03

4TOPS Data Analysis consists of four addins for analysing your MS Access data: Filter Builder, Summary Wizard, Chart in Excel Wizard and Export Wizard.

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Два величайших тирана на земле: случай и время.
И. Гердер


-- Реклама мне обходится чрезвычайно дорого.
-- Но, Нелсон, вы же не рекламируете свой товар. Ананасы,
манго, маниока, хвала Творцу, пользуются у людей популярностью!
-- Да, но моя жена постоянно читает и смотрит по телеви-
зору все рекламные объявления. А там...


Hедавно меня изнасиловали, не знаю, пpавда, за что.

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