Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



MAPInotify: Shadow of Power!

MAPInotify: Shadow of Power! is an advanced skinable mail-checker utility that can monitor unlimited number of mailboxes, IMAP4 folders or any Microsoft Exchange folders and notify you in any number and combination of ways.


Multi-function calculator and unit conversion utility. Four modes of operation (statistics, trigonometry, base-n, and unit conversion). Many functions, formula entry mode. Up to 26 separate memory registers. Even includes periodic table of elements.

ATS MultiPage Control Center

Open and control multiple web pages with your favorite browser. Hide and show the selected pages (or all of them), open and close additional programs automatically (firewall, messenger, etc). Import your links in a tree view and more, much more...

Destruction II

A 2player retro-action game which gives you a taste of the great gameplay of a lost era. Fight against a friend and CPU enemies in a mazelike world filled with valuable items. Earn money and buy weapons, armor & power-ups to grow more powerful!

Cloudeight Smileycons

Smileycons makes it easy to insert smileys, emoticons and animations in your email and message board posts with one click of your mouse. Smileycons are bigger and more vibrant then most smileys you see on the web, making them very unique.


Save time and effort by using optName First Name e-Directory to help you find a baby name! More than 3,000 names! With this program you will be able to find out origin, historical meaning and numerology reading of a name.


BitKinex is an innovative FTP client supporting multiple transfer protocols (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS and WebDAV). In addition to features found in other popular FTP clients BitKinex introduces several unique approaches and solutions.

Blades of Exile

Blades of Exile is an exciting role-playing system for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. Features not only 3 full-length adventures but the ability to design your own adventures and play many free adventures made by others.


OfficePopup allows the management team to inform employees about any important events or incidents by sending messages to entire departments or individual users on your network. OfficePopup runs on any TCP/IP based local area network (LAN).


Easy to use with a very user-friendly interface, OroTimesheet is the best software to track time on projects! OroTimesheet allows you to keep track of the time spent on each project by your employees in your organization.

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Одна из отличительных характеристик нашего века состоит в том, что мы все знаем и ничего не делаем.
А.И. Герцен


Однажды Тимур, чтобы испугать и пристыдить Моллу На-
среддина, при всех придворных повернулся к нему и гневно сказал:
-- Мне стало известно, что вчера на одном собрании меня
хвалили, называя справедливым государем. Ты тоже был там, но о
моей доброте не сказал ни слова.
Молла невозмутимо ответил:
-- Нет, государь, это ложь! Не только вчера, но и ни разу в
жизни я не был на таких собраниях, где говорили бы о твоей до-
броте и справедливости.


КУПЛЮ: шланг поливочный "рабица"

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