
Helium Music Manager
Helium Music Manager is a music tagger, renamer, cataloger, player, playlist manager, burner and report creator, all-in-one. Helium can catalog and edit the most common audio file formats (including MP3, OGG and WMA) as well as regular music CD's.
Declan's Chinese FlashCards
Declan's Chinese FlashCards is a fully configurable audio-based Chinese vocabulary flash-card program. The program has been designed to help students quickly learn a large number of Chinese words in a systematic but fun and simply way.
Bubble Bobble: The New Adventures
Bubble Bobble: the New Adventures is a remake of a popular classic game "Bubble Bobble". Welcome to the amazing world of the little dragons Bub and Bob! Their world filled with cunning and insidious monsters with a mission to cut their journey short.
New Contact Developer
New Contact Developer Searches for new contacts, capturing
Company name, phone/fax, email address, description and other data and allows
you to email out to your contacts in an easy to use step by step method.
My Photo Calendars
This software enables the user to create fully customized Photo Calendars. All elements of the calendars can be customized including photos, text, dates holidays (36 options) and languages. Once created, print locally on your home/office printer.
ImageDIG consists of three integrated modules which allow the user to convert 2D flat images into 3D (x,y,z) data or if a graph, convert the graph in image form into 2 dimensional numerical data for further analysis. The third is 2D analyis plotter.
FishByte can help anglers and hunters to find lunar peaks for any date and location, when fish bite and game move more actively.
Multilingual VB6 Setup program with skin
You can change your default VB6 setup program with this inproved setup program.
It has a skin and it is multilingual (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Portuguese). The language is automatically swithched according to the user language.
An intriguing puzzle game. Can you unscramble the generated mystic symbol? A contemplative game with nine difficulty levels. A new puzzle every time you play!
Babies of the Wilderness
Wildlife Screen Savers With Personality(tm) 40 engaging photos and tranquil MP3 music. Enchanting photos of wolf puppies frolicking, bear cubs wrestling, a moose calf taking its first step, and a bobcat kitten sampling a daisy. Over 100 transitions.
Сочинение стихов - это не работа, а состояние. Р. Музиль
Пошел мужчина с собакой на рыбалку, сделал прорубь, сидит с удочкой. Вдруг из лунки выныривает корова. -- Мужик, дай закурить! Он дает. -- А прикурить? Дает. -- Ну ладно, пока,-- и корова ныряет обратно. Изумленный мужчина, открыв рот, смотрит на собаку. Собака: -- А шо я? Шо я? Сама обалдела!
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