
Ella for Spam Control
Ella for Spam Control organizes your Inbox and keeps it free of spam! Works with Microsoft Outlook 2000/02/03 and Outlook Express 6 is the first Smart Inbox Assistant(tm), which learns by example how to kill spam and organize your email.
ErezPP1LTR Print Preview ActiveX Control for VB6
ErezPP1LTR OCX is a Print Preview ActiveX Control, Left To Right direction, for Visual Basic 6. It gives developers an easy tool to make print and preview of their softwares. The trial version is fully functional but will work for 30 days.
Home Budget
Fast-track your home loan! Our Home Budget software is designed to help you stay on track with a Line of Credit Home Loan and reach your financial goals sooner. The program calculates and displays a chart projecting how your mortgage will reduce.
Holiday ActiveX
Calculates the data of the legal holidays of every year selected. The localizations northern Germany and USA are supported. Further functions allow for example the calculation of the day of the week to a special date.
Open Video Converter
It is an easy-to-use tool for video conversion, splitting and editing. It can convert many video formats such as MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV to AVI file. It changes the frame size, frame rate, video compression codec and audio compression codec.
EndTask Pro
A UNIQUE pop-up blocker, task manager, System/Internet connection monitor and more! Avoid killing the pop-ups you want. Pop-ups are hidden, you can take a peek and decide whether to show them, or wait and they will be blocked after a few seconds.
Landscapes Screensaver
This screensaver shows beautiful pictures of landscapes - islands, mountain's tops, waterfalls, seagoing waves, lakes, night city, geysers, icebergs, deserts. Dawnings and sundowns have
a splendid view.
Chilkat Mail.NET - Send Email with C#
.NET SMTP / POP3 Email Component with S/MIME for signed and encrypted mail, attachments,
Auto-Zip and Unzip attachments, XML import and export, SMTP authorization,
distribution lists, internationalized, mail-merge.
Chilkat SMTP / POP3 .NET Email Component
.NET SMTP / POP3 Email Component with S/MIME for signed and encrypted mail, attachments,
mail, Auto-Zip and Unzip attachments, XML import and export, SMTP authorization,
integration, distribution lists, internationalized, mail-merge.
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife
Break the blocks with this highly imaginative, challenging game! The object of 1st Go Warkanoid II is to destroy all the bricks on the screen by hitting them with a bouncing ball. Some of the bricks will give you funny power-ups.
Писатель скорее призван знать, чем судить. С. Моэм
Пожилая американская леди посвятила всю свою жизнь посещению тюрем и утешению осужденных. Она посылает письмо в одну из тюрем: "Дорогой номер 322515, в следующий четверг я смогу навестить вас. Теперь, когда мы уже знакомы какое-то вре- мя, я надеюсь, что смогу называть вас более ласково -- 322..."
На свете нет печальней повести, Чем жизнь прожитая по совести.