RSP Encrypt OCX
ActiveX OCX to encrypt files with a very fast implementation of AES 256 bits and standard RC4
RSP GZip Compressor .Net
.Net control to compress and uncompress files in the standard gzip format ,
the code is optimized for new processors , running very fast
in the win32 environment , the compression engine is loaded
dinamically in the control
RSP GZip Compressor OCX
ActiveX OCX to compress files in the standard gzip format , the code is optimized for new processors , the compression code execute at realtime , the compression engine is loaded dynamically and with the ability to pause , resume and cance
RSP MP3 OGG Vorbis Encode OCX
RSP MP3 OGG Vorbis Encode OCX 1.4.0 is an ActiveX OCX to convert wav to MP3 and OGG Vorbis format, The encode process occurs in an out-of-process environment , so , the control can have all the control over the process running
RSP MP3 Player .Net
.Net framework library to play MP3 , MP2 , MP1 , MPEG-2.0 and MPEG-2.5 media files , this controls is using a high quality decoder engine
RSP Parallel Port Connection OCX
ActiveX OCX to connect two PCs using a LapLink parallel cable ( Turbo cable ) , the connection don't requires any other software installed in order to work , it can transfer files in any Windows based machine
RSS Magic for .Net
RSS Magic is a .Net class library that allows developers the ability to download, manipulate, and save RSS feeds through familiar properties and methods. The RSS Magic component creates RSS feeds that conform to RSS version 2.0.
RSS Merge script
XSLT 1.1 script which (recursively) merges several RSS 1.0 channels into one, filtering news by topics using mod_taxonomy. Also can be used to limit the number of items in an RSS file. Supports images. Build your news channels from several channels. Filter news by topic.
TickerMyMail helps you to keep on top of all the emails. As soon as a new email arrives in your inbox, you will be notified by a ticker tape running across your screen. You can delete spam without downloading it. Supports : POP3, IMAP4, MAPI, Hotmail and AOL
Rt-Science Tools2D for Delphi
The selection of components to generate two dimensional cartesian plots with: unlimited number of axis (secondary axis), automatic scaling, automatic zooming, unlimited number of series, manifold line and point styles...