Melodic ID
Melodic ID provides college and conservatory level, unlimited, graduated melodic dictation in simple and compound meters with immediate feedback and scoring. Melodic ID begins with scale steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and skips of a third from a selected major.
Go-Go Database
Go-Go Database is a fully functional database application that you can rapidly and easily adapt to your needs without any programming at all. Go-Go Database is being used for contact management, membership management, donation management etc.
PDF to Text (pdf2text) SDK-COM
pdf to text SDK-COM can convert pdf to text file, it does not need Adobe Acrobat software, it has high speed in pdf to text conversion.
A handy tool that easily converts several units of lenght, weight and capacity measures. By typing a number into box provided will instantly display the results without the user having to search through a confusing menu of choices.
Business Functions Standard Edition
This Excel add-on provides 363 functions for financial modeling, business planning and financial projections. There are categories for date and time arithmetic, and discounted cashflow analysis.
A realistic 3D maze walkthrough game - can you find the exit? Or will you be slimed by the evil mucus? Choose a maze size, single or multi-level, grab your pack of stickers to mark where you've been, check your compass, and off you go!
Morovia USPostal Fontware
Morovia USPostal Font is a smart & simple solution for printing business reply mail envelopes. It supports both POSTNET & PLANET, and Post128 as well. Morovia USPostal font supports crystal report, MS office and a lot more 3rd party applications.
Moon 3D Space Tour
Pretend you're an astronaut and circle the moon from the comfort of your own desk with this screensaver. Watch as the moon appears before you, complete with real craters and mountains. OpenGL 3D rendering engine provides true photo-realistic quality.
Auto Maintenance 101
Auto Maintenance 101 covers easy-to-follow basics and tips on what makes a vehicle tick. You will learn the how-tos of simple, hands-on preventative maintenance everything you need to know about the under-hood systems, tune-ups tires, brakes, etc...