Absolute Europe Mega Screen Saver
Pictorial screensaver with 110 beautiful landscapes of various areas in central and northern Europe. The crystal-clear photographs allow outstanding viewing at screen settings as high as 1600x1200 pixels. Installation is easy with the setup program.
Absolute Europe Screen Saver
Pictorial screensaver with 60 beautiful landscapes of various areas in central and northern Europe. The crystal-clear photographs allow outstanding viewing at screen settings as high as 1600x1200 pixels. Installation is easy with the setup program.
ACE-HIGH CD Ripper converts CDs to MP3, WAV, WMA, and OGG Vorbis on-the-fly. It uses Lame encoder 1.91 that supports full MP3 options with VBR properties. It supports ID3V1, ID3V2, Free CDDB, WAV Normalizing, saving CD tracks to playlist of PLS, HTML
Absolute Time Server
ATS is a full-featured time server, which works as WinNT service and is fully RFC-868 and RFC-2030 compatible. Absolute Time Server acts as a background process, has very low system
resources consumption, and it can be started beforСѓ user logon.
Absolute Yukon Solitaire
Absolute Yukon Solitaire is a collection of solitaire card games based on the classic game of Yukon. It includes both familiar favorites and new games invented specifically for this collection and available nowhere else.
AbsoluteControl(tm) offers wide range of OS control tools available on single click. It can set your screen resolution with highest possible refresh rate, open\close your CD drives, reboot, shutdown and poweroff your system & web-search.
absolutePDF-Creator Easy
AbsolutePDF-Creator Easy is a easy to use ActiveX COM Control that enables you to create PDF files from within your Windows applications. No need for expensive Adobe Acrobat ! Can be used with any ActiveX COM aware programming environment.
absolutePDF-Spool Base
absolutePDF Spool lets your legacy applications generate PDF files without the need for other expensive tools. No Adobe Acrobat required!
AceSpy Spy Software
AceSpy is the award winning PC monitoring spy software from Retina-X Studios. AceSpy records chats, emails, urls, passwords and much more. Results can be viewed locally or sent via email.
AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser Pro
Sometimes, you just want to cover your tracks. AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet and computer activities. It is integrated with IE and it can erase the browser cache, history, cookies,