
AffiliateHQ Meta Tag Wizard
The biggest mistake of any webmaster is not being search engine friendly. This robust free program will create all your Meta Tags in seconds. Just tell the program about your website and it will do all the work for you! No HTML experience required.
African Animals
Forget the time and expense of an African safari. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 20 photos of beautiful African animals with artistic borders accompanied by an optional soundtrack of MIDI-based tunes.
African Dreams Screensaver
To see African Wildlife, close-up and in its natural setting, is a real treat; this screen saver is a must have for anyone who loves the beauty of wild. Scenes include the people and wildlife of Africa
African Wildlife Screen Saver
This Screen Saver protects your monitor by rotating 25 amazing photographs by Chris Humphreys, a professional Wildlife photographer from San Mateo, California. See amazing photographs of leopards, lions, zebras, elephants, cheetah's, and many others
Agenda At Once
Simple and useful to-do list, scheduler and notes management. Features: multiple databases, password protection, hierarchical to-do list, percent based task completion, drag&drop support, quick notes, printing, low memory and disk requirements.
High-res, 16-bit color arcade game with 99 different and unique alien ships in ten challenging levels. Use a joystick, gamepad, or keyboard to control the ship while picking up awesome powerups. 100% 3D rendered artwork, big bad bosses and more!
Agile Lines
Agile Lines is an extremely addictive and sleek variation of the popular Lines game. The objective of the game is to remove from the playing board as many balls as possible by placing them in rows of five or more. The use of the multicolored joker ba
Database application development with automated Codegeneration, Features: entire presentation and functionality of the application is stored on one database server, contains a complete developer environment, automatic codegeneration, no deployment
Creates Windows compatible setup programs from script file. Approaches the gold standarts in this industry and has the gentleman's set of features. The size of the extractor module is only 46k overhead over compressed data size.
Aha Password and Info Manager
Password and Bookmark Manager. Store your ID, password, and all the information securely on your computer or our server and access from anywhere on the globe. Press hot key or drag-and-drop instead of typing in long ID, password, credit card number.
Я не могу доказать справедливость своей точки зрения именно потому, что ее справедливость - очевидна. Г. Честертон
-- Я вынуждена огорчить тебя, милый. Мои кулинарные спо- собности пока минимальные. Умею хорошо готовить только ново- годний торт и рыбу,-- призналась молодая жена мужу. -- Понимаю, душечка. Ничего страшного, со временем все- му научишься. Только скажи, пожалуйста: то, что на тарелке, это торт или рыба?
Ребенок уже вышел весь сине-черным и вдруг стал разлагаться резким запахом.