Amju Super Golf
Amju is on a golf vacation with her sister Marin! But these are no ordinary golf courses - there are switches to find, doorways to open, moving platforms to jump on, bonuses to collect and animals too! Bop them on the head for a super bonus!
Ammo and PotShots Screen Saver
Select your most hated image files and this screen saver will blast them
to smithereens. With various ammunition sounds in the background, your images will
be splattered. You can set to screen saver to shoot at your Desktop Wallpaper or display
The tags are not only useful to display or identify a song. With this mp3, wma organizer you can quickly rename all your files using tags. It looks much better, your files are all in order and easier to find or archive. What key features make AMp3Ass
AMRandom is a Delphi translation of Alan Miller's Random Module for FORTRAN. Supplies several different distributions of random numbers including Normal, Poisson, Gamma, etc. Includes Full Delphi Source and Demo
Amys Games
These three games are aimed at pre-schoolers, toddlers and babies wanting to start using the computer. We have included an interactive coloring book, a memory matching game, and a colorful keyboard banger in the collection.
Anagram Plus for Pocket PCs
The object of Anagram Plus is to anagram or rearrange seven letters to form a word having 4 or more letters. Each game consists of either five, 10 or 15 words. In addition each letter is given a value as found in the board game Scrabble.
Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel
Analyse-It for Excel: General Statistics brings statistical analysis to Microsoft Excel 95, 97, 2000 and XP, with 14 parametric and 17 nonparametric procedures for descriptive statistics, testing normality, comparing groups, correlation, and regressi
AnalyseSpider is a powerful Web Log File Analyzer tool with a wealth of analysis to help you optimize your site.This tool can also help you to see if your Web site promotion is paying off, when you should update your Web site.Here you can see which s
ANALYZER for RECOVER Fixed/Floppy Disk
ANALYZER for RECOVER Fixed/Floppy Disk V0.2 visually reports on bad sectors in system area of disk. You can check if Boot Sector, FAT 1, FAT 2, and ROOT FOLDER sectors are good or bad. You find how much of remaining file system can help recover files