Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы




AutoSiteGallery is a time-saving tool for creation of web photo albums. AutoSiteGallery can automatically create high-quality thumbnails, generate the HTML pages for thumbnails and full-size images, convert the images to JPEG, etc.


AutoSitePasswords is a users admin tool for Apache web server. AutoSitePasswords manages user database and allows you to append, edit, delete and search the users records.

Autumn Colors

Beautiful autumn colors show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.

Autumnleaves3D Screensaver

3D animated Fall Leaves with music and customizable background. Choose the combinations of leaves you like best. Select your own background picture. Select your own looping audio tracks!

AV Bros. Puzzle Pro

AV Bros. Puzzle Pro 2.0: this Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts' plug-in is an extremely powerful and flexible maker of jig-saw puzzles.

AV4 Software for Avon Reps

AV4 Software for Avon Reps - Tracks Customers - Prints Orders - Produces Reports - Order History Search - Assists with Purchase Order - Brochure Distribution Report - Customer Labels


Look out! Giant snowballs are raining down faster than you can say brrr! The only way to keep from getting buried in the avalanche is to connect the black spheres and open up the tunnel.

Avalio Task Scheduler

Avalio Task Scheduler gives you ability to manage required tasks according to schedule. The component can be used to create reports, update site content, call ASP pages at particular time, check if web-server is functioning or IIS requires restart.

Avatar Capture

Looking to create an avatar? Using Avatar Capture you can grab any image on your screen, resize it, crop it, and save it in many formats. Many people use Avatar Capture to create their own unique avatars instantly. Give it a try today!

Avatar Sizer

Avatar Sizer takes an image and makes it smaller, suitable for use as an Avatar. That's its job and it does it extremely well. Avatar Sizer is exceptionally easy to use and can convert most of the popular image types into an Avatar. Oh, it is FREE!

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Когда у нас успех во всем, тогда-то вот особенно Готовым надо быть к тому, какие нас невзгоды ждут.


Жена написала в партком по месту работы мужа заявление, чт
муж не живет с ней. Секретарь парткома вызвал мужа и требует
- прежде всего, я импотент, - оправдывается тот.
- прежде всего, вы коммунист! - строго и проникновенно
говорит секретарь.


- Что такое "ни кола, ни двора"?-- Это импотент без квартиры.

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