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ClubTimer is a program for management CyberCafe (Internet Cafe). It performs time accounting, session cost calculations, and time booking. All computers in the network are under constant monitoring.

Cock Puzzle

A Cock Puzzle is an animated jigsaw puzzle for your entertainment! The game represents bright colored graphics, enjoyable and easy playing.

Code Keeper by uuba.com

Code Keeper by uuba.com provides an easy repository for all your frequently and less-frequently used snippets of source code. Organize your code by folders. Copy into the clip board with a single button click -- ready to paste wherever needed.

Code to Chart

An integrated visual code analyzer and source code flowchart generator.It makes you ever easier and convenient to read code.

CodeRed Hunter

track and trace package for CODERED I & II plus other worms. Features Automated reports by Email, OnScreen and FTP files.

VB Net Maker

Thousand VB.Net lines written in one click! This Generator browses a Data Base (Oracle, Access) and builds VB Net Modules : Data Access Layer, with Classes for DataBase Tables, and sub classes for foreign keys. It generates also aspx and aspx.vb.

Database Web Explorer

Universal Web-based database manager for remote access to databases via Internet


DatabaseBridge is a powerful cross-DBMS data migration, data comparison and distributed query tool that also performs validation of flat data and is a multi-DBMS browser. A cross-DBMS data transfer of a million records can be completed in minutes

Coin Catalog

Catalog your coin collection in as much detail as you need, including the Country of issue, Description, Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of Purchase, and more.

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Вернулся муж домой после гулянки с друзьями, зажег све-
чу, сел за стол да и задумался. Так он сидел, пока и свеча догорела.
Жена увидела это. "Ага,-- думает,-- наверное, муженек всерьез за-
думался, где бы подработать. За ум взялся, а может, кто из друзей
чему надоумил дурака".
Встала жена, зажгла новую свечу, поставила перед мужем.
А тот все сидит да думает.
Не вытерпела наконец жена и спрашивает:
-- А о чем же это ты, муженек, задумался? Может, и мне
скажешь, вместе подумаем...
-- Да вот, мучает меня одна мысль... Куда же наши воробьи
денутся, если сарай наш сгорит или обвалится?


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