SecurAttach allows you to manage the attachment blocking that is built into Outlook XP. It will, through an easy-to-use interface, allow YOU to decide which attachments will be allowed and which will be blocked. No more blocked attachments!
SecurDesk! LV
An ideal desktop replacement for those who need to prevent Windows or users from rearranging the desktop, for those who wish to create their own simpler desktop interface, and for power-users who want more control over their systems.
Secure Browser
Secure Browser offers the administrator the ability to control where the user navigates on the nternet through the use of key words and specified URLs. A perfect solution for companies that want to display their website at a store or show.
Secure Credit Card
Secure Credit Card is a security utility scanning your autocomplete fields for credit card numbers and removing them if you need it. Doing it Secure Credit Card helps you to prevent your credit card data from being stolen.
Secure Disk
SecureDisk is a program which can create encrypted virtual disks on Windows operation systems to protect your files or data from been accessed by others.
Secure Family Album
Program with outlook-like interface designed to store your digital family photos together in your digital family album.
Folder Security Personal
This tool keeps files and folders secret and safe by hiding and locking them, or by making them read-only with a password. It can also lock floppies, cdroms, removable disks, and local hard disks. It is foolproof, easy-to-use, and self-protected.
Secure HTML Lock
If you are a web designer, you know how much time, energy and money it takes to create a unique and professional Web Page, you also know how easy it is for the visitors to copy your working achievement and reuse it in their Web Page. That is called w
Secure Image 2.1
Copy protect the images on your web site using image encryption and domain lock. Safe from mouse copying, saving and spider grab programs (site downloaders). Only the encrypted images are uploaded, so the images are safe from even the webmaster.