
Smart Shopper is a small database program intended to facilitate the efforts of those people who wish to spend their money more effectively when it comes to shopping - whether it be for
groceries, computers, clothing or whatever.
SmartSMS enables you to send Picture Messages, Caller Group Graphic, Operator Logos, Ringtones, EMS messages and FlashSMS direct from your PC to a GSM phone. Send using modem or Phone (connected through cable/IR/bluetooth) or Internet.
SmartStore 2000 Express
SmartStore 2000 Express ist the leading e-commerce solution for small and mid-sized companies. Its modern user interface and incomparable range of functionality allows any e-commerce beginner to set up and publish a professional WebStore immediately
SmartStore.biz is the leading turn-key eCommerce solution for small and medium-sized enterprises. Its modern and intuitive user interface allows every eCommerce newbie to develop and publish a professional online store at the touch of a button.
SmartSync Pro
SmartSync Pro is a backup and synchronization utility that will store important files to removable ZIP/JAZ drive, network volume or just compress to zip archive. SmartSync Pro can synchronize files even when your computers are not connected via LAN.
SmartVersion is a multi-version incremental file archivist, it provides a powerful and easy way to store unlimited file versions (or document versions: Word, Excel, HTML, etc...) in a single location.
SmartWin Professional
SmartWin sets you free of : the start menu, the web favorites list, the browsing for endless folders, the Desktop, scheduling notes (schedule the resource), have to call one resource at a time (group them), bad presentations,waste of time.Try it out
SmartWorks is a cost effective and scalable collaboration tool, which allows people in a workgroup to share, track and manage information flow. SmartWorks is a client-server based software and comes with several default plugins to get you going.
Smartworks - Project Planner
Project Planner PE 4.5, lets you track and manage your projects in the way you had always wanted. It offers you several views ( Gantt, Network, Resource, Estimation, Risk, Plan..) to get the broad understanding of where your project is heading.
Smartworks - Project Planner Reader
Project Planner Reader - Free reader / Viewer to read files created by Smartworks Project planner version 4.0 and MS Project .MPP files.. Frees you from having a project management software to share project plans among users.
Мы знаем действия многих причин, но мы не знаем причин многих действий. К. Колтон
Два собутыльника, что вчера "соображали на троих", ут- ром встречают третьего. Того и не узнать: весь в синяках, рука на перевязи, губы вспухшие. -- Что с тобой,-- удивляются двое,-- да мы же тебя вчера до самой двери довели целехонького! Где это ты так умудрился? А жена говорит, что я таким пришел. Вот стерва, значит, это она...
Жизнь, она как лестница в курятнике: короткая и вся в де@ме