
Download web pages or entire sites and browse them offline. WebStripper is easy to use, fast and flexible. You can download with or without graphics and specify the depth of pages. Includes a built in browser (IE required) or uses your own.
SP Dialer
Award winning 3 in 1 solution - advanced Internet dialer, time synchronizer and proxy server. It can redial multiple lines, restore broken connections, calculate online time, cost and traffic, launch and close programs, synchronize clock and so on.
SP TimeSync
SP TimeSync is a multilingual program which lets you synchronize your computer's clock with any Internet atomic clock (time server). It uses a high-precision network time protocol (NTP) which provides accuracy of several milliseconds.
SPac is an easy to use, secure, and powerful application for file encryption and sharing. SPac combines both compression and encryption into the one product and utilizes a user-friendly interface to make manipulating your secure archives simple.
Space is a disk usage analysis tool, that can show graphically where your disk space is being used. It works on local and network drives, and FTP accounts. You can print these displays, and export the data for use in other programs.
Space Balls
This game will give you the opportunity to practice the skill of kicking a ball. Balls are rolled from four sides towards the center, and the player tries to kick the ball with the bat. Space Balls have three game types.
Space Docker Sokoban
Space Docker Sokoban is a remake of a classic logic game sokoban. This time you'll be playing a clever docker who is working hard at such places the Space Station, Underwater or Desert.
Space Effect
The Space Effect processes audio, such as drums, guitars, external synthesizers or soft synths.
Space Effect Mac
The Space Effect processes audio, such as drums, guitars, external synthesizers or soft synths.
Space Emoticons Pro
Space Emoticons Pro lets you insert emoticons and smileys into your emails and forum posts with ease. It isn't addon software nor freeware so you can be sure it isn't spy. A lot of Christmas and New Year emoticons are included. Enjoy!
... доктор Моро де Тур сказал: "Гениальность - это нервная болезнь." Ж. и Э. Гонкуры
-- Абрам, сколько стоит атомная бомба? -- Я думаю, не меньше миллиона. -- Вот бы к нам на огород упала!
Курение - это вред, вред - это болезнь, болезнь - это смерть, смерть - это сон, сон - это полезно, так, КУРИТЕ НА ЗДОРОВЬЕ !!!