Is someone stealing your information from your PC? Is your browser home page hijacked? Are you in danger of identity theft? Are you being spied on? Are you being watched and tracked? Find out with SpyRemover.
SpySites includes a database of over 1,500 known Spy/Sleaze sites and guides you through the simple process of including them in Internet Explorer's Restricted Zone and setting policies to prevent them from performing intrusive acts on your PC.
SpySites Plus
SpySites Plus includes a database of over 2,700 known Spy/Sleaze sites and will automatically add them and any other site you choose to the Restricted Zone "On the Fly" and prevent them from performing intrusive acts on your PC.
SpyStopper blocks intrusive spyware, Web bugs, worms, cookies, ads, scripts, and other intrusive devices from getting into your system in real time. It functions like a firewall and protects your online privacy and security.
SpyVest scans and removes spyware and Adware from computers. There is a free scan available to all Windows Operating systems. spy programs include keyloggers designed specifically to record your screen, email, passwords, and much more.
Spyware 101
Spyware 101 is full of information and resources that will help educate people about spyware, adware and parasites
Winnow Anonymous Proxy
An Internet utility to let you browse the Web anonymously.
Winnow Anonymous Proxy lets you use another IP number which is provided by anonymous server as your unique identification number.
Spyware Doctor
Spyware Doctor is an advanced spyware removal utility that detects and cleans thousands of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, spybots, malware and tracking threats from your PC. Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes.
Spyware Inoculator
Inoculate your PC to Prevent Spyware from ever being installed. While there are a few good Spyware removers wouldn't it be better to prevent Spyware from ever being installed in the first place?
SpywareStopper Prevents all Known spyware from loading or running on your computer. With realtime cookie management complete with logs and alerts you'll never have another spyware or tracking cookie stored on your computer ever again.
Сердце может прибавить ума, но ум не может прибавить сердца. А. Франс
Прибегают к Насреддину Афанди и говорят: -- Беда, Афанди, ваша теща стирала белье у реки и утонула. До сих пор не могут ее найти. Прибежал Афанди к реке и принялся искать тело выше того места, где теща стирала. -- Что вы делаете, Афанди?-- спросили люди, собравшиеся на месте происшествия.-- Ведь ее унесло вниз. -- Э, вы не знаете мою тещу. Она была такая упрямая, что всегда делала не то, что люди. И под водой она поплыла, я думаю, не вниз, а вверх.
Скажи ка тетя, ты не даром?