Vantpl8 is an entertaining game where you guess the meaning of vanity license plates. Try to figure out as many as possible before your time runs out. For example, 2LV4EVR would be To Love Forever and XKNTRE2R would be Cross Country Tour.
VAR Grade
Flexible gradebook program for teachers that has plots, statistics, seating charts, db items, and attendance. It allows an unlimited number of letter or number grades. Full internet support, passwords, printouts any way you want, and whatifs.
Variable Investment Analyst
Variable Investment Analyst calculates profit, periodic, cumulative, & average annual total return, internal rate of return (IRR), capital gain, buy/sell prices, basis worksheets. Many charts. Very useful for investments w/multiple cash flows.
Variable Rate Mortgage +
Confused about ""Teaser Rates"", maximum annual interest rate increases and maximum interest rate for the term of the loan? This program is a version of a variable rate mortgage loan.
Image viewer / converter for picture, photo, fax and CAD files created in popular raster and vector graphics formats. It allows you to view, convert, slide show and print your single or multi-page images in a variety of ways
Vault Vex
Use your strategic thinking and color matching abilities to solve over 60 different puzzles which range in difficulty from easy to mind-bending. Also, every puzzle is different each time you play and the best score is remembered for each puzzle.
VB 6.0 Code Viewer and Validator
A VB 6.0 Add-In that provides functionality similar to the Visual Studio .NET IDE view of code, with the ability to collapse sections of code to get a higher level view of the code logic.
You can also create custom folders to place files into.
VB Builder
Pinpoint errors in your VB programs to the exact line
where they occur. VB Builder is a VB 5/6 Add-In
that creates line numbered versions of your VB
program so that you can use the VB error line
function (erl) in your error handling code.
VB DocuMentor
Document your programs with one click.
VB DocuMentor is a VB 5/6 Add-In that allows you
to painlessly document your program as you code
it. It produces formatted descriptive procedure
and module headers, error handlers and indents.
VB Friend
Add indentation, complete missing code, auto-correct, backup, and get more desktop space. VB Friend beautifies code and helps you write more of it in less time. Works as add-in to Visual Basic.